Sr. Nubia Estela Mayorga Pedraza

Structure: Province of Santafé
Member: Elected
Profession: 12/08/1994
I belong to the Province of Santa Fe, I will celebrate 25 years of religious profession this year.
In the missionary field, mostly, I have been at the service of education, as a teacher, coordinator of the primary school, as well as I have supported some processes and projects at the level of youth and Vocational Ministry of the Province.
Present Mission
I am in the house of Formation as animator or superior of the community. I belong to the team of Youth and Vocation Ministry of the Province.
¿What you think are the great challenges for the Congregation in the next 5 years?
Consideo que los principales desafíos para la Congregación pueden ser:
Restructuration to revitalize: I feel the urgency and the need as a Congregation to take this step, we are talking about revising structures at the community, administrative, pastoral level, which should lead us to the revision in the level of government.
We have allowed ourselves to be influenced by this globalized world and today we are less significant and fruitful, which is why this obliges us to rethink our Congregation and its apostolic missionary service:: for this it is important to have expressions of "Passionate following of Jesus", "Evangelical Radicalism", "Life of intense prayer", "Dynamism and missionary enthusiasm", "Return to the Gospel". To recover mysticism with a compassionate look that desires to share with the poorest as Marie Poussepin wanted it, attaining greater integration between what has been said and the reality, between theory and life; this requires going forth to the peripheries as an expression of our prophetic mysticism and defense of life. Even more so as consecrated women we must live this primarily in order to be what we are and not to let it be tarnished.
To listen to God in the cries of our migrant, indigenous, indigent, and imprisoned brothers, marginalized women, the needy and the poor: It becomes indispensable and important to respond creatively to those processes of indifference and dehumanization that do not allow us to generate strategies that give real and effective responses. We are ready to offer everything for the needy, who are recognized in society as the last, we must feel called to give accompaniment and response in the places where others do not want to go and do not want to stay; the above must lead us to a process of awareness, formation and action that will produce change of mentality; this requires us to be coherent in faith and action; we must answer to the progressive deterioration of the living conditions of these of our brothers and sisters.
To be builders of Fraternity; To strengthen community life, welcoming the cultural and spiritual diversity of our members, feeling that community is already mission, we must move from a life in common to a community of life in expressions of welcome, dialogue, forgiveness, recognition, discernment, feeling free and responsible in our being and doing, which takes pain for the other, and we can build a relationship of spirit and union of hearts, we must move from structures of infantilism to encourage formation in freedom and coherence of life, without creativity, nor imagination it is difficult to grow in maturity and responsibility, it is necessary to move from uniformity to communion of diversity.
To move from being protagonists to a service of charity: it is necessary to change the discourse "power is not with protagonists” that is to say: those who serve are not because they have more rights. A service that is not so much concerned about its role, about power, not even about incidence, but about an authenticity of witness, does not worry about taking care of the image but about living and serving with meaning. We are in another time. The Church makes the call to be a "small flock". We must be a presence for others in a service in solidarity with the poor and the little ones of the world that leads them to discover that it is there in the small, in the insignificant human beings where God becomes even more visible.
Look at accompaniment or formation from a re-reading of the global digital world: In this era, the "new culture of technology" imposes with more determination, which is expanding every day with the "rapid development of science, technology and communications". This digital world called the sixth continent leads human beings to have new ways of thinking. It is for this reason that we must rethink in order to look at ourselves in another way without losing the essence of what we are and have, we must deepen and support ourselves more within a global, universal Catholic thought. It is urgent not only to have the knowledge and adequate use of the new technologies of information and communication to evangelize us and evangelize others, but requires of us a preparation and updated formation to know how to accompany, today the Youth that is in our hands who are immersed in this technological culture even more when they arrive with many vacuums at the level of Christian formation. We are invited to rethink these processes with a Congregational and Ecclesiastical look.