Sr. María Leonor Charria Angulo

Structure: General Government
Member: Ex Officio
Profession: 08/03/1964
I am a Colombian, from Bogotá, I have theological and socio-political formation.
Missionary experience in the University, in civil society, in Justice and Peace and in public sectors.
That which has given me a sense of Consecrated Life as a Dominican has been in discovering, feeling, touching the presence of Jesus, his Word, among the simple and poor and identifying how God, walks with his people creating history.
Present Mission
I am finishing my second term as General Councilor.
What you think are the great challenges for the Congregation in the next 5 years?
1. That we develop a 'new style of community life' that responds to the challenges of the moment and more attractive to the new generations.
2. That chapter concretizes and sets in motion a real missionary restructuring; It requires creativity, audacity and risk. This can wait any longer!
3. A Formation, in its first stages, that responds to the searches and concerns of today's young women, where they are the subjects of their processes and will point to what is fundamental.
4. To make real the invitation of Pope Francis which was taken up in 54th General Chapter and in other meetings to give a true response and presence in the geographical and existential peripheries…a Congregation that goes out.