Sr. Ana Patricia Londoño Flórez

Structure: Province of Medellín
Member: Elected
Profession: 07/01/1984
I am a Colombian sister, I made my religious profession in 1984.
I studied and worked as an Administrative Nurse. I have had the grace to live the international mission and to work in Haiti.
Present Mission
Provincial Councilor.
What do you consider to be the main challenges for the Congregation in the next 5 years?
Our biggest challenge today is to ensure the permanence of the Charisma, giving a response according to the needs of the Church and the world today, with the audacity that characterized our Mother Foundress. I think that some of the commitments we must assume to make this possible are:
• A greater commitment in the construction of fraternal, praying, summoning and missionary communities
• Work hard in the vocational youth ministry, as an option for continuity.
• A review of our Structures so that they can respond to the demographic reality of the Congregation, to the demands of the mission, to the normativity of the countries where we are, to the paradigm shifts of today's men and women , to the multiple demands of enculturation, among others.
• The work with the laity from our spirituality to ensure the continuity of our works and the beginning of new presences in the "peripheries" of today.
We are the fruit of the passage from Dourdan to Sainville and of a profound certainty in the action of Providence. I am sure that yesterday as today, the Provident God of Marie Poussepin will continue to lead the Congregation along the paths of Charity.