Dialogues and Excursion
by Dominicas
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La Grande Bretèche (Tours), 08/01/2024, Sr. Gemma Morató i Sendra and Sr. Conchi García Fernández - www.domipresen.com.- Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori accompanies us on this first day of August, eight days before the closure.

After the Eucharist, in the chapter room, Sister Véronique Margron, Provincial Superior of Europe, offers us a reflection on abuses. She wishes to provide some elements that allow us to dialogue about abuses in the Catholic Church, and especially in religious life.

She affirms that it is a drama and a scandal. Abuses by priests towards minors, and also towards nuns, have been uncovered. She highlights the Arte channel report called “Religieuses abusées, l'autre scandale de l'Église”. Faced with so many abuses, the French bishops reacted and an extensive report was made that speaks of 200,000 victims over 60 years.

Reviewing the reports of abuse, a systemic character in the Church has been seen, which is not systematic; it means there are factors in the Church that allow this crime to be hidden for at least 50 years. Sometimes the perpetrator was simply moved to another community or country, and also, thanks to the secrecy of confession, the fear that family honor would be affected, or in the name of “we will fix it among ourselves”, it was neither said nor made public. This systemic factor is decisive along with the factor of considering that it is a person of God and has a recognized place in society.

The victims have survived and after 50 years, some in their old age, tell their traumatic situation, since the status of the aggressor has been magnified for too long. Finally, even Abbé Pierre, considered a god, has also been accused after many years. The silence of the victims has been long because it is like recognizing that God has assaulted me; the veneration and idolatry towards that person prevented them from speaking.

“I know what God's will is for you” and the person is subjected. Faith is used to attack freedom, the name of God is used to make die instead of make live. It is very difficult to manifest abuse because each person has entered religious life to give life, and if they are told that “I know how you must give your life…”, they may believe it.

It is the misuse of authority that makes the other a captive. The use of power requires being careful with the spirit of service because if something inhumane is asked that affects my personality, it is harmful, since in itself, service has no limits. And this abuse can lead to sexual aggression. Words sometimes most used in our life can become a weapon against human dignity.

In religious life, we have fewer defenses than elsewhere because we have given our life to God and the Congregation, to the superiors, and to the community. Giving oneself is magnificent in terms of generosity, but sometimes it is used for a perverse use, even when there are moments in life that are easier to abuse, moments of growth, formation, childhood, in a moment of vulnerability due to someone's death... And then abusive personalities have it easier. It is an infringement on the soul, on the heart, it is the violation of the soul, and the consequences are traumatic.

Power itself is legitimate, it is just, one must even have power over oneself and over the mission, it is the way to build life, although limits must be defined, there are places where there is no right to go. The law, Canon Law, the Constitutions mark how far one can go.

The abuse of power is abusing the hierarchical position to lay hands on another person. Power is exercised beyond what is defined, or serves another area beyond what is established. Without limits in power, there is abuse that takes away the other's freedom, the freedom to decide, and generates fear. Sometimes the abuser values and sometimes humiliates, and the abused thinks they must do better, they are subjected.

On the other hand, abuse of power by omission generates neglect, as we expect something from the other and they do not do it. Legitimate power allows making decisions, and if it is not done, it generates pain. Vos estis lux mundi points out that failing to report abuse to the competent authorities is also an abuse.

Abuse of conscience and spiritual abuse is an internal control over the other or a group. It undermines the ability to think. There is nothing beyond conscience (sacred space). It takes control of the intimate part of the person. This is facilitated by the misuse of the Word of God.

A legitimate power is abused, but in the sexual realm with minors, or people in a state of vulnerability, here there is no abuse, there is aggression, it is illegitimate in all circumstances. To defend oneself against any abuse, formation is mainly required.

From the clear, pleasant, and real sharing of Sister Véronique, we engaged in an interesting dialogue in the room.

On the other hand, Sister Maria Escayola discusses authority in the Congregation, only through kindness, love, patience... (R XVII) is it possible to touch the heart of others. Marie Poussepin is the first among her sisters and collects several sections from “Marie Poussepin and her community”. We also engaged in dialogue on this aspect.

In the afternoon, we visited the Château du Clos Lucé, near Amboise, the last place where Leonardo da Vinci lived. We strolled through its gardens among the inventions of the distinguished Florentine, so advanced for his time. Then we stopped in Amboise and the province of Europe offered us an exquisite dinner in Montlouis sur Loire, a place known for its wines. Merci !


Capítulo general 01/08/2024

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