What Government Do We Desire?
by Dominicas
in News
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La Grande Bretèche (Tours), 07/22/2024, Sr. Gemma Morató i Sendra and Sr. Conchi García Fernández - www.domipresen.com.- The question of the day was: What government do we desire?

The Eucharist presided over by Fr. Thomas-Marie Gillet, OP, and celebrated in three languages, set the tone for this day of St. Mary Magdalene. A day where reflection leads us to share with much freedom and openness: What government do we desire?

 Then we continued listening to the work of the commissions. Let us remember that the commissions, already announced in the circular convening the Chapter in March, are:

Return to the sources, a journey of interrelation and fraternity.
Make formation a congregational priority.
Update our service of charity in response to the new forms of poverty.
Continue on the path of restructuration for more closeness in a culture of encounter.
Live the service of authority with vulnerability, synodality and communion.
Serve and administer with responsibility, coherence, and transparency.
Work on the proposal for the Ratio Formationis.

We also approved a very detailed and complete act.

The afternoon, after a prayer with the song “You raise me up,” served to introduce Sister Catherine Aubin, who tomorrow will begin preaching a three-day retreat according to “the 9 ways of praying of St. Dominic.” Sister Catherine, born in Paris in 1959, belongs to the Roman Congregation of St. Dominic, holds a Ph.D. in Spiritual Theology, has been a professor at the Angelicum, a journalist at Vatican News in Rome, and currently is a professor of Theology in Montreal (Canada). Author of several books, she has just published “Prier avec Marie - Changer sa vie” (Praying with Mary – Changing Your Life).

To get to know who her "exercitants" will be tomorrow, she asked the sister next to us to introduce herself.

Next, the Congregation’s Media Team presented its report, which was read by Sister Martha Mendieta, and then Sister Gemma Morató presented the development of the Congregation’s website over the past eight years. We attach the details of the website's functioning over these years and the challenges we still face. Several questions arose, some related to Artificial Intelligence.

After a short break, the work of each commission continued to be shared, specifically “Update our service of charity in response to the new forms of poverty” and “Live the service of authority with vulnerability, synodality and communion.”

The evening brought us a beautiful and magnificent play, offered by the Province of Europe, called “Akedia. Le diable au désert” (Akedia. The Devil in the Desert), written by Adrien Candiard, OP, and performed by the A.I.R.C.A.C. group, with staging and live music by Francesco Agnello, and acted by Jules Méary and Théophile Choquet. Akedia, acedia in Greek, is that disease of the soul that no longer has a taste for anything. Prisoner of his melancholy, the monk leaves the monastery with the hope that it will be better elsewhere...

The play was not only for the chapter members but also for the sisters of the house, from other communities and congregations, and some friends. We truly thank Sister Véronique Margron, Provincial Superior, for her idea and offering, as the play put us in tune with the retreat about to begin and made us feel many emotions, later expressed by several sisters in dialogue with the actors.

 Tomorrow, led by St. Dominic, we will change course. Let us pray for each other.

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Capítulo general 22/07/2024

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