Sr. Blanca Aurora Marín Hoyos

Structure: General Government
Member: Ex Officio
Profession: 12/08/1988
I am from Colombia and I belong to a large family, my father and mother already have passed away.
We are 10 children of whom 3 of us are sisters of the Presentation. We chose our vocation at different moments and situations in our life. I am a nurse by profession and also I have specialization in theology and pastoral health care. In the Congregation I have had the opportunity to exercise my profession, I am happy and I thank God for my vocation to be part of this family of the presentation.
Present Mission
Now that I am ending my service as General Councilor, I thank the Lord that I have never lacked his love and mercy and thank the Sisters of the Congregation who made this experience possible.
What you think are the great challenges for the Congregation in the next 5 years?
Marie Poussepin, a woman inspired by Providence leaves Dourdan and goes to Sainville which was periodically ravaged by war, famine and epidemics, and "where ignorance was widespread (Original Vision).
War, hunger, epidemics, ignorance are challenges that still remain today and are often dressed in new forms. Threats to life, society that excludes others, the sick, migrants, displaced persons, human trafficking, the care of our common home, the conflicts in the Church, religious pluralism... are always urgent challenges that demand our attention and understanding of ourselves as consecrated women, that allow us to respond with the same creativity and audacity with which Marie Poussepin responded in her time.
The first challenge would be to understand everything in its totality (world, Church, religious life) since in the face of so many conflicts the very meaning of our identity as consecrated women at the service of the Gospel seems to be weakened.
There is an urgent need for an updated and ongoing formation which will prepare us to confront these new realities and respond to today's urgencies with adequate responses that are needed today.
A restructuration in favor of mission, which favors work in communion, a more universal vision of mission and where prayer, community life, study and discernment will receives their due place in the light of the Word of God.
To walk forward towards the future with joy and hope without losing our historical memory because something new is being born: new dreams, new horizons, new forms of presence are emerging and the passion of many Sisters for the proclamation of the Gospel and the service of charity among the poorest are promises that allow us and help us advance towards the future as a Congregation.