General Chapter 2024

Vulnerability, Synodality and Transformation

After studyning and discerning the proposals given at this year's EGC in Tours, we have chosen as the theme fot the 56th General Chapter: Toguether to transform our life and mission.

We propose that you take as a starting point for reflection the text of Rom 12:2: "Be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God". And  key words to enter the dynamics of reflection:

Vulnérabilité, Synodalité et Transformation.

These words are in harmony with the research of the Church, consecrated life and the Congregation. The UISG (International Union of Superiors Generals) encourages us to enter into this dynamic; the last General Assembly of 2022 had as its theme "Embracing vulnerability on the synodal journey" and in 2023 it has offered us to continue deepening alon the same lines.

We believe that they are essential aspects in the restructuration process that we are implementing and will help us to continue on our path with greater conviction and hope.

Based on them, we can:

  • Become aware of our reality, personal, community and congregational; embrace our vulnerability and assume it as an opportunity and richeness. It is an invitation to evaluate our life at every level, to evaluate our response given to the orientations and decisions of the 55th General Chapter, both in the positive and what we have to change.
  • Grow in the conviction that we can do nothing alone, that participation and working together (interpersonal, intercommunity, interprovincial) are essential to our lifestyle, as well as trust in the action of the Spirit and in the loving providence of God. The contribution of each one is fundamental for the community, the structure and for the new provinces, so that the restructuration process will really be good news for all.
  • Open ourselves to the grace of transformation, by which the Lord makes us new creatures, and prepares the future of the Congregation. We must take a further step in the process of resignification that we have already begun. It is a demanding commitment that requires trust, conversion, and courage to enter into the paschal dynamics of our life, following the example of the Lord.