
On June 26, 1961, the first Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation arrived in Terre Voltaica (today Burkina Faso), at the request of His Eminence, Cardinal Paul ZOUNGRANA, then Archbishop of Ouagadougou. In fact, the Prelate wished to have a missionary presence at the Yalgado OUEDRAOGO Hospital Center and for offering this service our Congregation was chosen.

Attentive to the sign of the times, to the calls of the Church and to the needs of the world, Mother Thérèse des Anges and her Government responded generously to the request of the Voltaic Church. This first mission in Africa, which initially consisted in the care and support of the patients of the said hospital, was entrusted to:

Sister Louise Marie, (Superior)
Sister Marie William Lapointe,
Sister Saint Georges (will be repatriated in November 1962)
Sister Marie Geneviève de la Présentation

In September 1963, the mission of Education was added at the TANG-ZUGU School in the Koulba district of Ouagadougou. Sister Hélène de la Présentation and Sister Marie Cécile were responsible for this mission. In September 1969, the private schools were handed over to the State and our sisters came to “Les Lauriers” to run a home for Young Girls which would later become a Wel-come Center for missionaries. In August of 1970, a new request from Cardinal Paul Zoungrana took us to Pô for parish ministry and the promotion of women.

The sisters remained at Yalgado Hospital for 15 years before retiring to Boassa in 1976. It is a small village near Ouagadougou where they took care of the public dispen-sary, the CREN (Centre for Recovery and Nutritional Education) and the Maternity.

Since the Church leaders were very pleased with the services of the pioneer women of our Congregation in Africa, they did not stop asking for more help. From then on, the Congregation continued its missionary expansion on African soil, precisely to Ivory Coast in 1987, to Cameroon in 1988 and to Chad in 1992. That same year, the Vice Province of Africa was erected of these 4 countries. It has expanded to 5 countries with Congo Brazzaville since August 08, 2021, the date of fusion of the Petites Soeurs Dominicaines (Little Dominican Sisters) with our Congregation.

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