Opening of the Chapter Under the Guidance of the Holy Spirit
by Dominicas
in News
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La Grande Bretèche (Tours), 07/12/2024, Sr. Gemma Morató i Sendra / Photos: Sr. Conchi García Fernández.- Today everything was ready for the opening of the 56th General Chapter and at 8:00 a.m. the day began with the opening Mass dedicated to the Holy Spirit.

A solemn, well-prepared celebration with some symbolism, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Mass was presided over by Fr. Christophe Raimbault, Vicar General of the Diocese, who expressed his joy in sharing this special moment with us and, in a homily appropriate to the event, urged us to listen to the Holy Spirit through these times of synodality. During the offertory, the Constitutions, Regulations, and Marie Poussepin and her community were presented, reminding us of what we are going to experience in the coming days; this was followed by the chapter logo, carried by Sister Maria Escayola, signifying that this time reflects a sincere desire to review and confront to discover what holds us back and what drives us to take risks, responding with generosity and boldness, and finally, the bread and wine were offered.

After the celebration, in a procession led by the provincial and vice-provincial superiors carrying a candle, we went to the chapter room where the door was symbolically opened, in the manner of how holy years are initiated, to reflect, provoke discussion, and seek what is good and just for us in the eyes of God.

Then, Sister Maria Escayola Coris, General Superior, delivered her opening address with interesting data and insights. She reminded us that the chapter assembly is composed of 56 sisters from all the structures of the Congregation and communities dependent on the general government, 11 fewer than in the previous chapter, corresponding to the decrease in the number of members. Among the chapter members are 8 members of the general government, 10 major superiors, and 38 elected sisters, with an average age of 56.2 years; from 17 nationalities, with very different mission fields.

We highlight some non-consecutive paragraphs from the opening address by Sister Maria Escayola, General Superior:

“In view of the Gospel renewal, which today we express as transformation in the Spirit, we will have to give orientations  needed and establish or modify the laws that can suit the whole, cf. CIC 631, in order to continue the synodal journey that began from the origins and to which today the Church invites us and we respond to it,  as the path that God expects from His people in this third millennium"

“Hope animates our synodal journey and poses certain challenges for us:

  • The acceptance of our vulnerability is indispensable to grow in fraternal life in community, to understand and trust the other, knowing her own reality, in mutual respect and in valuing the gifts of each one for the sake of the common good.
  • The relationship of constant encounter with God that increases our confidence and launches us to go out of ourselves, to grow in fraternity and exercise charity.
  • The renewal and strengthening of our missionary spirit, going out, without looking back, as a requirement for following Jesus. "The world, deeply   marked   by   change, continually challenges us….  “The Congregation is open to diverse forms of presence in a creative fidelity" Cf. C 82.
  • Growth in co-responsibility in mission, among ourselves and with the laity, sharing our gifts at the service of the Gospel.
  • Mutual care, attention to those around us and care for our common home.
  • The understanding and experience of government as service and dialogue"

“General Chapter is an important stage in the life of the Congregation. Each one of us has been invited to enter through the door, to cross a threshold, in which we have to leave our individualism, self-centered way of being and going beyond to a communitarian and fraternal way, broadening our vision in the search for the common good. All of us have something to contribute"

“For many of us, the passing of the years and growing fragility can be a reasonable excuse for not taking the journey but settling in, however, we have the commitment to continue responding to the call of God till the end and the responsibility to live and encourage the new generations in the ever new adventure of updating the charism and announcing the Gospel to the men and women of today".

“As we have often said, when what was once an innovation becomes a routine, it no longer serves the purpose of seeking what is appropriate to the realities and needs of the present. The restructuration process has been like a breath of fresh air for the Congregation; we have to continue the journey, because we are aware that it is a process and that the participation of all is essential"

“I recall some aspects of an article by Cardinal Aquilino Bocos on restructuration. They are clear and simple elements that can guide us in our work:

  • Give emphasis on the charismatic aspects over the institutional ones and promote spirituality.
  • Put mission and attention to the needy in appropriate place.
  • To give priority to people over institutions.
  • To count on the participation of all".

After a long round of applause, thanks and echoes began, and then Sister Maria read a letter from Pope Francis which we share below.

The rest of the day was dedicated to the approval of the sisters for the secretariat and translation, as well as the methodology, the schedule, etc., and the pertinent voting was done to elect the coordination committee and moderators.

There was also time for the presentation of the vice-provinces of Aconcagua and Africa and the province of Bogotá in a very visual way, and thus many questions arose from the audience to continue sharing the reality of our Congregation with challenges and hopes that we hope the chapter can illuminate.

Letter from Pope Francis


Capítulo general 12/07/2024

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