Justice and Peace Day
by Dominicas
in News
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La Grande Bretèche (Tours), 07/31/2024, Sr. Gemma Morató i Sendra and Sr. Conchi García Fernández - www.domipresen.com.- The heat remains very present and we try to ensure it does not significantly affect the work entering its final week.

We start the day, after the Eucharist, with a prayer and reading of one acte. The day will be varied; we continue with a motion and then welcome Sister Jacintha Gracy Miranda, the coordinator of Justice and Peace and Integrity of Creation of the Congregation (JPIC). The record she presents covers the entire Congregation, with some videos, along with all the data demonstrating the involvement of the delegates in this mission.

Our mission, as articulated by Jesus, is based on the proclamation of the Spirit of the Lord: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has chosen me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed and announce that the time has come when the Lord will save his people" (Luke 4:18-19).

Sister Jacintha gives a historical overview before presenting projects and challenges. In 1891, Pope Leo XIII emphasized social justice by stating that the rich class has many means to protect itself, while the poor do not have their own resources to rely on. John Paul II highlighted the role of the Church in this field, and Pope Francis emphasizes that dialogue must not only favor the poor but also respect them as protagonists.

Just as Marie Poussepin responded to the needs of her time by prioritizing the poor, inspired by her, we believe that our mission is to care for each other and our common home. The care of our lives and nature is inseparable from justice and truth (LS 70, 92).

In 2020, the Congregation appointed a JPIC coordinator, Sister Jacintha, to lead these efforts. Although she arrived in Rome at a difficult time due to the COVID-19 pandemic, her dedication has been fundamental. Each Structure of the Congregation has a JPIC delegate. The goals of this mission are to embrace JPIC as a life process, care for and defend life in its entirety, restore just and correct relationships with God, oneself, others, and creation, and finally, defend justice for those whose rights have been violated.

In the area of formation, programs, workshops, seminars, and colloquiums have been promoted. At the Congregation level, a project has been initiated to live integral ecology, promoting human dignity, building peace, communion, and interconnection in a universal effort to protect and care for our common home and the globalization of solidarity through the organized Charity of Marie Poussepin.

The JPIC Project for the Congregation envisions a global effort to protect and care for our common home, fostering solidarity. It is guided by seven priorities based on the objectives of Laudato Si', and each priority encompasses specific activities. This is followed by the reading of another record.

In the afternoon, the review of the Economic Report is presented by the sisters assigned at the time. Once again, deep gratitude is expressed to Sister Joanna Fernandes and her team for the clarity, truthfulness, and timeliness of all the information.

We continue working in commissions and sharing the main lines of work of the chapter aimed at transformation: integral formation, restructuring, community fraternal life, synodality, new forms of poverty...