Report on the Life of the Congregation
by Dominicas
in News
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La Grande Bretèche (Tours), 07/17/2024, Sr. Gemma Morató i Sendra and Sr. Conchi García Fernández - Today is an important day for the Chapter that has been working for several days. Sister Maria Escayola, the Superior General, shared and read the Report on the Life of the Congregation 2019-2023, accompanied by the counselors.

The report, comprehensive, concrete, and precise, has been from the start an injection of reality, hope, and grounding in today's world, with its lights and shadows. Divided into four parts, plus the introduction and conclusion, Sister Maria presented the work of all these years without forgetting the details and encounters that have woven the life of the Congregation during this last period. The report clearly shows how COVID marked a large part of this period, but also the air of synodality.

The first part frames the journey that led the Congregation to transcend borders, emphasizing the importance of a renewed spirituality without falling into sterile activism. It highlights the need for personalized formation and invites us to step out of our comfort zone, to embrace difference, and to be attentive to the needs of the moment, especially with migrants.

It continues with the restructuring that marked this period, expressing that in one way or another, we all wanted to start a process of change and commitment to build the new structures. We have moved from 15 to 9 structures, when the Vice Province of the Middle East is a region of the Province of Europe; although the work is not finished as we need to go beyond an external reorganization.

She insisted on the simple, austere, and hardworking testimony of life, which says a lot about who we are and what our values are. However, we still lack commitment in the vow of poverty for those who do not have the necessary or when we neglect common goods.

In the second part, she analyzed the Congregation today and valued the wisdom of our Constitutions. She presented the complete statistics, showing a decrease in sisters in Europe and South America and slight growth in Africa and Asia. Currently, we are in 37 countries, with 1.571 sisters, averaging 66.89 years of age.

She emphasized that the community plays a very important role in sustaining and developing the vocation, repeatedly stressing the need to commit to youth and vocational ministry. She reminded us that our life consists of daily choosing an intimate and personal relationship with the Lord and growing in mutual love with Him each day.

The third part focuses on the mission and activities of the general government, starting from the fact that we are not in an era of change, but in a change of era. Marie Poussepin wanted to build the community with trust and freedom, promoting relationships and respect for diversity.

The fourth and final part, dedicated to foresight, begins with hope and insists on a return to the sources, prayer, conversion, and docility to the Holy Spirit, who guides each chapter of the Report.

It lands on the culture of encounter, much spoken of by Pope Francis, to overcome fears, take risks, and bring truth and mercy.

The echoes of the assembly were splendid, grateful, simple yet profound and real like the Report itself.

We all warmly thanked Sister Maria Escayola and the entire council for their dedication over these years, for the path and accompaniment they have provided. In the end, we all expressed our thanks in a circle through the words of Sister Luz Marina Socha and offered a magnificent bouquet of hydrangeas, marking the end of this key and special day of the chapter.

Thank you, Sister Maria, for all these years dedicated to the entire Congregation!


Capítulo general 17/07/2024

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