- by Dominicas
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La Grande Bretèche (Tours), 30/07/2024, Sor Gemma Morató i Sendra y Sor Conchi García Fernández - The Eucharist begins the day, meditating on the Gospel of the day in which we see that Jesus is the translator of God's love on earth.
We continue with Brother Emili Turú, who recaps and asks about our dreams, desires, and feelings arising from what we shared yesterday.
The first thing to distinguish is change and transformation; change is at a given moment, transformation is throughout life. Change is a new beginning, transformation begins with an end. Change is external, event, new arrangements, and invitation; transformation is internal, process, new models, and response.
When we are not able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves (Victor Frankl).
Change is observable; transformation affects models, structures, worldview, and finally the soul. Everything is interconnected, touching organizational, personal, and interpersonal aspects.
Ted Dunn states that religious life is in a moment of grace, and highlights dynamic elements to consider:
1- Changes in consciousness. Creating a new narrative means changing perspective and deep transformation of one's own consciousness.
“In the future, you will either be a mystic (someone who has truly experienced God) or be nothing" (Karl Rahner).
2- Recovering our inner voice. The soul is not neutral; it is the seat and source of life (Thomas Moore). Our authentic self, the interior castle of St. Teresa. Community life is the ecosystem of our consecrated life; outside of it, we cannot survive.
3- Reconciliation and conversion: The matrix of our becoming. Healing the past requires apologies, reconciliation, reparation, and forgiveness, which sometimes take generations. The great issue is interculturality.
4- Experimentation and learning: Acting to change our way of being. Innovation is at the heart of survival. We must be a learning community. Courage to take risks.
5- Transformative vision: Gathering wisdom, weaving a dream.
Brother Emili asks us:
- What elements do you consider essential for a profound personal and collective transformation?
- In what way could this Chapter promote these transformative elements?
The afternoon takes us to share group work, after reading a acte. We are asked what priorities we consider essential to carry forward the process of personal and collective transformation. Again, the importance of community life is marked as essential, along with spiritual renewal, formation, new forms of presence, working with laypeople, ...