Literary Inspirations

on 02 Apr, 2020
Hits: 1906

Colombia, 04/02/2020, Sr. Nubia Yaneth Chávez.- Inspiraciones literarias (Literary Inspirations) is a collection of inspiring texts that some Sisters delegates from Latin America and the Caribbean for the project of the social media for Evangelization collected as a tribute to the 25th anniversary of the beatification of our Mother Foundress. They are compositions that from the simplicity and the deep love for the Congregation reveal the artistic talent of our sisters.

We are grateful to Sister Gloria Eugenia Piedrahita Tamayo, who in the previous period accompanied this process and to each of the delegate sisters for their success in compiling the contents. The pages of this work will continue to be open to those who wish to publish their inspiring work.

• Sr. Gloria Eugenia Piedrahita Tamayo, Province of Los Andes
• Sr. Ana Patricia Vásquez Zapata, Province of Manizales
• Sr. Luz Karime Mancipe Laguado, Province of Bucaramanga
• Sr. Ana Cecilia Villegas Cadavid, Province of Medellín
• Sr. Nubia Yaneth Chávez Corredor, Province of Bogotá
• Sr. Leidy Viviany Moreno Garzón, Province of Santa Fe
• Sr. Evelyn Guadalupe Córdoba Grande, Province of Guadalupe
• Sr. Jenny Patricia Obreque Maturana, Vice Province of Aconcagua

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