“Keep the presence of God in all your actions”.

(Marie Poussepin)

News and Events

Faith in Action: Honoring Blessed Marie...

Songkoy (Philippines), 10/15/2024, Sr. Gina Lontoc.- From October 5 to 13, 2024, our community embarked on a meaningful journey of prayer and reflection through the novena in honor of Blessed Marie Poussepin,...

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Refugees project

Madrid (Spain), 11/10/2024, Sr. Marta Elena Vélez.- These men, women, and children leave behind everything they cherish, never looking back. Clenching their fists and teeth to stifle cries of pain, they embark on this...

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Care, an exercise of fraternal charity

Caracas (Venezuela), Sr. Nícida Díaz Leal, October 2024 .- In religious life, we sisters owe it to ourselves to take care of each other, where we live, move and exist, namely in our community, in our mission....

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The Time of Creation

Burkina Faso (Vice Province of Africa), 10/06/2024, Sr. Nicole Kabore, JPIC delegate.- The Season of Creation is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all of Creation through celebration, conversion,...

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Official Website of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation

Welcome to the new official website of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin. From this site we will present the most relevant news about our Congregation, in addition you will be able to know who we are, what is our mission and who was Marie Poussepin, our Foundress. If you are a Dominican Sister of the Presentation, the Reserved Area will enable you to have access to the documents of our Congregation and the latest internal news.

Reserved Area

Our identity

As Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin, we are an international religious congregation, present in 36 countries. Following in the footsteps of our Foundress, Marie Poussepin, we are united in community, to

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Our history

The life of Marie Poussepin develops within almost two equal periods: the first in her hometown, Dourdan, from 1653-1695; the second in Sainville from 1696-1744.

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Pastoral of Vocations

In this complex context of our human experience, like in a stormy sea that rocks our boat,lacking attractive events for those of us who have been assigned to write a page in the "book of life" on a daily basis, voices of bewilderment, fear and

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Visita a Medio Oriente / Visite à Moyen Orient / Visit to Middle East
16/09/2023 - 13/10/2023.- Visita canónica a la viceprovincia de Medio Oriente / Visite canonique à la Vice-province de Moyen Orient / Canonical visit to the Vice-province of Middle East
28/06/2023 - 11/09/2023.- CEMP
Visita a Guadalupe / Visite à Guadalupe / Visit to Guadalupe
31/05/2023 - 22/06/2023.- Visita canónica a la provincia de Guadalupe / Visite canonique à la Province de Guadalupe / Canonical visit to the Province of Guadalupe
Visita a Estados Unidos / Visite à États-Unis / Visit to USA
8-26/05/2023.- Visita canónica a la viceprovincia de Estados Unidos / Visite canonique à la vice-province des États-Unis / Canonical visit to the vice-province of USA

Justice and Peace


Migration, a reality taken on compassionately.

Sr. Nícida Díaz Leal, Caracas (Venezuela).- The reality of migration in Venezuela today: a reality suffered by our brothers and sisters, and assumed compassionately by consecrated life and Red Clamor Venezuela (Latin American and Caribbean ecclesial network of migration, displacement, refuge and human trafficking). A reality suffered by our migrant brothers and sisters. Why migration in Venezuela? Because of the situation in the country; they are looking for a better future, a better quality of life, there is fear in the face of so much violence and insecurity, lack of food and medicine, precarious basic services: in most states they live without electricity, water and domestic gas. On the other hand, public education has been reduced to two days a week or three hours a day so that teachers and professors can find other jobs to help support their families. Hundreds of thousands of retirees and professional pensioners do not have enough for daily food and medicine; indigenous Venezuelans currently have the highest rate of malnutrition in recent history; public sector workers earn less than 10%.

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Our solidarity will leave its footprints in the present and in the future

Let us renew the spirituality of the Charism of our Foundress, whom privation, poverty, need, and hunger moved and motivated her to leave and go forth to meet all those who were waiting for her service of Charity in solidarity.

Our witness today is to assume a style of life characterized by simplicity, austerity and work in today’s society that not only consumes us, but also makes us compulsive consumers. The way we use our resources and assets and the choices we make tell the world a lot about who we are and what our values are. It is an urgent need to rethink about the ethical criteria that governs our economy and ensure our objective of the common good that is the proclamation of the Gospel.

Our solidarity will leave its footprints in the present and in the future, if we really witness with our actions the quality of our evangelical poverty, that leads us to give generously our "five loaves and two fish".

Source: 55th General Chapter - 2019 

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The Congregation in the World...

Present in 4 continents

Today, the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation, faithful to the project of their Foundress, work to serve the Church in 36 countries, on four continents. Marie Poussepin designed a way. Following in her footsteps, others after her, as heirs of her Charism, respond to the calls of their time...