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Justice and Peace
Migration, a reality taken on compassionately.
Sr. Nícida Díaz Leal, Caracas (Venezuela).- The reality of migration in Venezuela today: a reality suffered by our brothers and sisters, and assumed compassionately by consecrated life and Red Clamor Venezuela (Latin American and Caribbean ecclesial network of migration, displacement, refuge and human trafficking). A reality suffered by our migrant brothers and sisters. Why migration in Venezuela? Because of the situation in the country; they are looking for a better future, a better quality of life, there is fear in the face of so much violence and insecurity, lack of food and medicine, precarious basic services: in most states they live without electricity, water and domestic gas. On the other hand, public education has been reduced to two days a week or three hours a day so that teachers and professors can find other jobs to help support their families. Hundreds of thousands of retirees and professional pensioners do not have enough for daily food and medicine; indigenous Venezuelans currently have the highest rate of malnutrition in recent history; public sector workers earn less than 10%.
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