nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him”
(John 13:16)
Service of Government in the Congregation Today
Our understanding of the service of authority is based on the Gospels, the Charism, the teachings of the Church and the reality of the Congregation. According to the Gospel, the one rendering a service of authority is called to be a servant of all (Mk 10:42-45). The fraternal service that Jesus asks from us means accompaniment, listening and total gift of self. Far from exercising over His disciples an authority of domination, it is one of love, humility, and the gift of His own life. A government lived in love, creates brothers and sisters. "The exercise of a responsibility does not change anything in the orientation of one’s life; it only invites us to live in coherence with our consecration" (Report on the Life of the Congregation 2014, p. 47)
The main mission of government is the integral animation of the Sisters especially in regards to their vocation to holiness: they must be attentive to live faithful to the Charism and be the guarantors of the application of the Project of the Congregation
Marie Poussepin stated very clearly in her Rule (Chap. XVII) what she and her sisters lived. There she tells us what the superior at all levels in the Congregation must be. It is only through kindness, concern, love, patience, vigilance and understanding that the superior will be able to touch the heart of others. This same idea is clearly expressed in the first chapter of “Marie Poussepin and her Community”, there the meaning and living experience of the service of authority in the life of our Foundress, are clearly outlined. The main mission of government is the integral animation of the Sisters especially in regards to their vocation to holiness: they must be attentive to live faithful to the Charism; and be the guarantors of the application of the Project of the Congregation. (Cf. Constitutions 95 and 129-132; Marie Poussepin and her Community: The Service of Authority 39).
Source: Document of the 54º General Chapter - 2014
The general government at the service of the common good, prepares responses to the challenges of today with regards to formation, mission and the development of the charismatic plan. "The Charismatic Plan is a new expression that seeks to reinforce the idea that the life and mission of each institute must be consistent with its purpose, in the eschatological tension that characterizes consecrated life: it discerns, seeks the will of God and works so that the Kingdom of God becomes a reality already, here and now. It requires communion among all the sisters in order to live a dynamic and continuous process of updating and renewal of the Charism in the Church and commitment to live it in accordance with the orientations and decisions of the chapter."
Source: Document of the 55º General Chapter - 2019
The present government of the Congregation was elected at the 55th General Chapter in 2019 at Bucaramanga (Colombia)
From left to right: Srs. Herminia, Diana, Ana Patricia, Scholastique, Joanna, Maria, Mariamma and Martha
2014 - 2019 (54th General Chapter in 2014 at Tours, France)
From left to right: Srs. Rosario Amelia, Mariamma, Mª Leonor, Maria, Diana, Blanca Aurora and Fabiola