From Manizales: "Your faith Mother Poussepin"

on 08 Apr, 2020
Hits: 2324

Manizales (Colombia), 04/08/2020, Sr. Leidy Johanna Aristizábal Padilla.- I was aware of the invitation that they made in recent days to share some creative and / or significant production for the celebration of the Year of Grace of the Beatification of our Mother Foundress. I want to share a song that I wrote last year contemplating the life of faith of Marie Poussepin and what it means to me. We recorded the song in the novitiate to finish our initial formation process, with my four companions and two lay women, who were the ones who put the music to the lyrics. 

The recording is a home production so the sound is not as we would have liked but we did not want to end the novitiate without singing it together as a group.

Lyrics: Sr. Leidy Johanna Aristizábal Padilla. Music: Paula Andrea Ocampo and Gloria Inés Sanchez Gallego.


Your faith

Your faith Mother Poussepin
is the inspiration in my journey,
abandoned in the arms of your Lord,
you trusted and waited on his holy will.

Your heart knew well,
that the One who inspired you, sustained your life and mission
the certainty of his presence imprinted on you
the indelible seal of his love.

Oh, God-filled woman,
following in your footsteps, which are those of Jesus,
I ask for your intercession to achieve perfection.

Let my heart sing your praise,
whose notes are faith, hope and charity
making life in my days the ONLY GOD of Marie Poussepin...
Wearing out life like a candle
in the exercise of charity,
burning with love for brother
power to heaven come.  

Oh, God-filled woman,
following in your footsteps, which are those of Jesus,
I ask for your intercession to achieve perfection.