From Marinilla: 25 years of the beatification of Marie Poussepin

on 17 Jun, 2020
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Marinilla (Colombia), 06/17/2020, Fernando León Castaño.- Living in the spirit of Marie Poussepin for 100 years was enough to form mothers and many generations who would contribute... 

to the great holistic development of the persons in the Municipality of Marinilla and in the East of Antioquia. The Charism of Marie Poussepin has been preserved because of the commitment of the Sisters, who instilled PIETY, SIMPLICITY and WORK especially in the youth. The desire to follow this inspiring light, the Charism of Marie Poussepin, has been evident in the homes of Marinilla, since there were so many vocations and there was a direct follower of Marie Poussepin in each home. Not only one religious was enough, but there were even two or three religious from some of the families. In my family we had the presence of the Presentation through our sister Teresa (Sister Amparo de Jesus,) who served the community, by the grace of God, for 60 years. In addition, I had the privilege of working as a teacher in the beautiful company of the Presentation Sisters, for more than 42 years.

We enjoy the presence of the Community in Marinilla, because the lives of the sisters had been a powerful motivation to live the values that identify the People of God.

We are Lay Dominicans of the Presentation; we have been in formation since the beginning of 2019 and each day we are being enriched more and more by the Charism of Marie Poussepin. We have organized a series of meetings, through which we get to know the marvelous work of Marie Poussepin. We could mention some of its results which have contributed to our formation as lay people: Interaction between lay people who have different professions but are all serving in the Church in today's world, centered on the Charism of Marie Poussepin, Charity.

We are getting to know the person of Marie Poussepin and her story, and are drawing closer to her by imitating her virtues such as love, mercy, solidarity. Every time we meet together, we are very happy and we study and interpret the Word of God. Since we are baptized lay people, we are followers of Jesus Christ and we feel like being part of the Presentation family. We have a commitment as lay followers of the Charism of Marie Poussepin. We contribute to the construction of a better world, through our work or daily activities and tasks, as we participate in the mission of the Congregation and the particular Church.

It was a great joy to meet with other lay groups (Provincial House Medellin). On celebrating Marie Poussepin's birthday. I became aware of the great strength of the Charism of the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation in Colombia.

Finally, I want to thank God for being a lay associate of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation and for the presence of the community of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation who live the Charism of their foundress, in our particular Church.