From Bolivia with love to Marie Poussepin - 2

on 23 Jun, 2020
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La Paz (Bolivia), 06/23/2020.- We share more creations made with love for Marie Poussepin from Bolivia.

Message dedicated to blessed Marie Poussepin

The birth of our BLESSED MARIE POUSSEPIN, loving religious who was born on October 14, 1653 in Dourdan France and died on January 24, 1744 in Sainville France, after having dedicated a large part of her life to those in need, that virtuous example It is the greatest legacy she left us. For you, who are surrounded by Angels from Heaven, we dedicate these words. They are nothing more than an acknowledgment of your great work in life, since there was no mistake of your holy gifts and we know that deep in your heart, you gave yourself, you had a shipment to carry out the Christian service that you did in society and especially to the poor who needed your unconditional support. 

Marie Poussepin, dear Lady, we know that you were Beatified by the gifts sent by the Holy Spirit.
Constant harmony, which gave human beings an example of strength and also humility.
Overflowing with joy, we celebrate your presence in the works of charity you did through the loving care you gave to the people who required you in life and in death.
Immense glory for you, we remember the great accomplishment you did to strip yourself of everything material and give yourself in the same condition to those who, hungry for love and satiety, followed you.
It is beautiful that a Daughter of Providence, has formed a Community of the Third Order of Santo Domingo and left the structure, so that many sisters follow your example.

Pious with her parents and siblings, your charity reached those who needed you as you knew how to do it, with a selfless love.
We will always pray, as you taught your disciples and hear us for the love of God.
We will join prayers and we will bring you all the flowers, thanking you for everything you did and we are good both men and women who know you.
Lady full of Holiness, illuminate our hearts, be guided and hope for better days.
Show us the right path, as you did with discernment and insightful spirit.
We teach how to be bold like your Mother, facing evil regardless of authorities that did not recognize the path that Jesus pointed out to you.
For you, the first thing was to give charity to the Community, since this was the soul from which we would receive results that the Father demanded of us.
We will imitate your big heart and authenticity, we will exhort to an active and creative charity.
We will never forget your sacrifice, caring for sick and needy people you gave a valuable example. 



Blessed Marie Poussepin, woman of pure soul, faithful missionary, great in spirituality and generosity in service to others. We come to you, to beg for your powerful help in these moments of distress. Strengthen our families and always show us God's love in every circumstance and place.

Thank you, our Blessed One, for we know that you always hear our prayers and will do your best to help us.

Year of Grace

To celebrate a year of grace, is to express our gratitude to the provident God who has taken care of his servant and her work, since its foundation.

Service to the poor (the sick and other marginalized)
The service of our poor brothers and sisters requires of us a real sacrifice in order, first of all, to identify with them, then to allow ourselves to be moved by their misery and finally to commit ourselves to a sincere approach, by simple and effective actions.

The education of youth
Marie Poussepin invites us to listen again to her latest recommendations, those of maintaining "zeal for the instruction of poor girls who may be in need both spiritually and materially" "the spirit of poverty and love of work".

The utility of the parish
Marie Poussepin was at the service of the Church, in the exercise of Charity, working closely with the authorities in carrying out spiritual and corporal works of mercy.

Charity at the service of our brothers and sisters
For the continuity of this work, each entity, each community according to the realities of the environment, each sister and each layperson, according to the grace that God communicates to them, is called to "go beyond borders to revitalize life and mission", to face the future with hope.

Charity, the soul of the community
Marie Poussepin left us a precious inheritance, which she knew how to preserve very well from any stain or aging: The Charism and the Institute. Both are the work of the Holy Spirit and require of us a commitment to creative fidelity which we can transmit and perpetuate.

The creative charity of Marie Poussepin
"To imitate the life that our Lord led on earth" "to give oneself to all that charity inspires", is a goal that can only be achieved with great ingenuity, a creativity that is always on the move, attentive to the needs of the times and a very solid faith life, centered on Christ.