Philippines, Mary Nguyen Thi Thien Kim, novice.- A blessed life...
God called her name, Marie Poussepin
He sowed the seed in her heart
The seed of love unceasing.

A blessed girl was brought up in Dourdan
Her faith grew up like a cedar
Firmly stood in the midst of storms
Carried family’s burdens on shoulders.
A blessed woman worked in Dourdan
Her love led her to advance
To learn and use a new technology
Improved industry in hometown.
A blessed Marie was led to Sainville
Listened to God’s will, she said yes
God’s providence was all she had
Left a safe place to the new land.
A blessed apostle did her mission in Sainville.
She loved her God in the poor
Seeking His face in the sick
Teaching the youth, her delight.
Blessed Marie lived a life of self - giving
It’s like a tree bearing fruit
Charity is the fruit of her love
Humble, pious was her life.