Acrostic from Chile

on 03 Jul, 2020
Hits: 2186

Chile, 07/03/2020, Sr. Betulia Avila.- To remember your beatification is...

A joyful and hopeful contentment in the silence of time,
Dream that leads us to open new horizons to go beyond borders.
Work that reveal the marvelous deeds of God
God, that wanted to make Marie Poussepin the woman
and saviour of her time.
Thank you for invite us to be centered in God who loves and sustains us...
Appreciation for the initiatives that give continuity to their work of charity...
Some of her works are initiatives of lay people who have been impacted by her life,
Carism and way of living the Gospel...
Impulse to love her more, imitate her and make her known so that her life will encourage and
accompany many people in these moments of uncertainty we are living.