Decalogue to the superior, according to Marie Poussepin... RXVII.... A proposal of yesterday and today...

on 12 Aug, 2020
Hits: 2057

Venezuela, 08/13/2020, Sr. Nícida Amparo Díaz Leal.- "He is like a master of a house, who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old" (Mt 13:52). 

About her sisters:

She is the first to respect the rules in all their points: witness and coherence in her service.
She accompanies her sisters on a spiritual and temporal level: she guides them, she clarifies their doubts, dialogues, confronts, questions; she leads them out of routine and tepidity, proposes ways that help them to grow and strengthen their spirituality.
She takes care of the balance that each one must have between work and rest, helping them to integrate life.
She keeps a vigilant attitude, in order to favor the temporal and spiritual aspects of the community and of each sister in particular.
She instructs her sisters in the love and practice of God's law.
She encourages her sisters to love and practice the Rule in order to safeguard the spirit of her Institute.
She avoids in her Sisters anything that leads them to routine, habit, immediacy, mediocrity in their commitment.
She helps her Sisters to understand the importance of the way of life they have chosen and the practice of the virtues which are essential to their consecration.
She brings to her sisters the understanding and importance of caring for the interior life, nourished by listening to the Word, the celebration of the sacraments, the celebration of the liturgy, readings, retreats, assemblies....
She respects and understands the rhythm of each sister's personal process; with great care, she will accompany them: she will know their character and will know how to use the necessary means in each situation.
She practices integral discernment for each case that arises in the accompaniment of her sisters.
She knows her sisters in the depths of their souls. She contemplates and reveals the gift that each one makes to her community.
She is attentive to her sisters, providing them with all that they need, both in health and in sickness.
She visits and comforts the sick sisters. She knows their needs, both spiritual and physical.
She watches over the postulants and novices, knowing that they are the Hope and renewal of the community.

Prudence and humanizing, fraternal and merciful gestures, will accompany her in this humble service.

Concerning herself:

She knows that humility will make it easier for her to perform the service entrusted to her.
She is being instructed in the truths of salvation so that she may instruct her sisters.
She learns to differentiate the virtues in order to recommend the most important and necessary ones.
She cultivates a passion for the study of the Word, and the reading of good books that will enable her to be better formed and to contribute in a timely manner to the accompaniment and animation of their sisters.
She takes care of the small details that enlarge the soul and defends it against slackness and disobedience.
She appreciates all things, loves and practices God's law as her greatest commitment.
She acts with gentleness in the face of her sisters' shortcomings and acknowledges her need for mercy.
She does not make corrections when she is angry or when she notices that the bad mood dominates the one being corrected.
Patience will accompany her delicate service of animation.

She holds first place among her sisters ... she will be first in everything ... loving, forgiving, serving ... practicing mercy to discover in each sister a piece of sacred ground, before which she must remove her sandals and place herself at her service (Jn 13:4-5).