Prayer to Blessed Marie Poussepin

on 26 Aug, 2020
Hits: 2385

USA, 08/26/2020, Mary Lou Reinhagen, Lay associate.- Dear Sisters and Associates, in the portrait of Blessed Marie Poussepin, there is a twinkle in her eye, and a warm smile emitting from her inner being.  May we all be blessed by that deep serenity, courage and wisdom which can only come from God.

Most of us, especially myself, can only do-little things, and before we change the world, we have to be willing to change ourselves, or rather allow ourselves to be changed by Our Creator. It is process and journey. But then you all know that already. Hello to you all. Joy and laughter to you today. Love you all.


Blessed Marie Poussepin help us to see what is good in the eyes of Our Lord.

May we drink deeply of the deep, refreshing water from the Well of Wisdom.

Let us be overshadowed by Love itself becoming a YES to the Father, to Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

Dear Foundress, please pray for us that once inebriated by the Font of Love,
Charity will well up inside us, flowing out into this ever-changing world.

Guide us to see that even in the smallest act, seemingly unimportant, another brother or sister can be lifted closer to the Lover beyond all change.

(Dearest Blessed Marie, thank you for your example, for sharing your gifts and visions with the people so long ago.)

Jesus may Blessed Marie’s prayers and intercessions to You be answered in our time.