From India: Blessed Marie Poussepin, The Social Apostle of Charity

on 12 Sep, 2020
Hits: 2644

Nagpur (India), 09/12/2020, Jibin John, Supervisor Marie Poussepin’s Academy.- For more than a decade, I have been a part of Marie Poussepin’s Academy, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. Since the beginning, through the Sisters of this Institution I have experienced the warmth of love and care as a family member. When I slowly came to know the life of Bl. Marie Poussepin, I realised that it’s her life which is continuously motivating and inspiring the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation to be the hands, feet and eyes of Jesus in this present world. Later, I even discovered that this Community is THE FIRST DOMINICAN APOSTOLIC COMMUNITY FOR WOMEN. There are various instances when I felt that the Sisters are not only rendering mere education to the students of this city and village, where it is located, but rather, are extending their hands even beyond…

The goal of the Dominican Sisters is to imitate by their conduct the life Our Lord led while on earth. This Christocentric characteristic is very evident in the life of the Sisters who are motivated by the life of Blessed Marie Poussepin. Though Marie Poussepin’s Academy is not situated in a Christian area, thousands have come to know and experience Christian values of compassion and love through the Sisters and their collaborators.

Initially, it was difficult for us to pronounce the name ‘Marie Poussepin’ but today, many have come to know her through our Academy. I have been encouraged to deal with the students with love and gentleness with firmness, through the writings of Marie Poussepin which is displayed on the reception lobby of the school.

Bl. Marie Poussepin wrote: "Everything must give way to the care of the sick and infirm. It is Jesus Christ Himself that we serve in their person." I, being involved in academics and administration, know many instances when students were given financial assistance due to financial difficulties of the parents. Every year, at various occasions and very especially during Christmas season, Sisters, students and staff share the joy of the season by sharing things and spending time with the needy and underprivileged. Whether it is Flood Relief initiative for Kashmir in September 2014, or Flood Relief in 2018 at Kerala or providing food and other much needed articles during the Corona pandemic, Blessed Marie Poussepin’s Charism of Charity always motivates the Sisters and the Institution to move out of the comfort zones and be the helping & healing hands of JESUS.

I feel privileged to be part of this missionary institution. Through the intercession of Bl. Marie Poussepin, may we be always inspired to have a Charitable Heart and unceasing Missionary Zeal... Yours in Christ,