Drawing: Birth, growth and life of the Congregation

on 18 Sep, 2020
Hits: 2007

Vallenar (Chile), 18/09/2020, Rosa María Burgoa Gálvez, Missionary Presentation Community.- This drawing wants to represent the birth, growth and life of the Congregation of Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin".

  • The root: God, the Father/Mother - Jesus, the Son of God - Holy Spirit for which Marie felt attracted and called to the service of Charity. 
  • Trunk: It emerged firmly from this root and little by little it was giving very strong branches of communities from Sainville... Which spread all over the world, carrying the message of hope... Until today when the Missionary Community Presentation was born from its eave and from this... the Dominicans Lay of the Presentation.