IMPORTANT: Preparing the closing of the Year of Grace

on 25 Sep, 2020
Hits: 1907

Rome (Italy), 25/09/2020, Commission for the Year of Grace.- Dear Sisters, During this year of grace, marked by the coronavirus that has spread throughout the whole world in a very short time, upsetting the daily life of everyone, we have witnessed the gifts that the Lord has granted us through the reflection and sharing on the life and Charism of Marie Poussepin, on the occasion of the celebration of 25 years of her beatification.

"Marie Poussepin, was motivated by this active love  from childhood and was deeply concerned to put herself at the service of the most deprived” (Homily of Holy Father on November 20, 1994) 

The different activities and programs realized during these last months, have enabled us to deepen our relationship with our Mother Foundress, grow in unity, revitalize our spirituality and actualize our Charism.

The Commission of Co-ordination wishes to express its gratitude to the General Government for taking the initiative to invite us to experience this time, since it has been for the sisters and the laity a space for participation, study and reflection. We wish to thank each structure for its participation, contributions, witnesses and sense of belonging to the Congregation. The active participation of all through different artistic creations, witnesses, reflections, publications, videos, posters, interviews and frequent visits to the website has made Marie Poussepin known in so many parts of the world and has supported the work of the Commission. We also thank the laity for the welcome that they gave to the invitation to express their love and gratitude to Marie Poussepin through their participation and witnesses on the life of our Mother Foundress.

The activities of the Year of Grace will continue till November 20, 2020; therefore, we remind you that you can still send us your contributions, until November 7. Marie Poussepin day can still be celebrated in those structures which have not been able to do it

Given the present situation, this year’s celebration of October 14 will be quite special in some Structures. At the right time, you will find on the web page of the Congregation, the liturgy for this day in a new format. In the same way, you also will find a Power Point on the missionary expansion of the Congregation, from its beginning till today.

For the closing of the Year of Grace we propose a spiritual preparation according to the possibility of each Structure and a triduum which will enable us to intensify the sense of communion in the celebration of November 21. The reflections received during this Year, will be helpful for us to make a synthesis of what we experienced. United in love.


Spiritual Preparation 

For the closing of the Year of Grace, we suggest a special time of thanksgiving from the celebration of October 14, till the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lady, in an attitude of gratitude to God who has “filled us with all the spiritual blessings in Christ.” (Eph.1: 3) We are certain that our sense of communion and prayer will enable us to be open and united with each other and with all those who are united to God. In this regard, we would like to propose to you:

  • In community prayer life: some intentions for your times of Eucharistic Adoration or for the prayer of the Holy Rosary.
  • In community life: some attitudes that will enable us to grow in fraternal love.


15 - 21
  • Intention: For the world and humanity affected by the pandemic.
  • Attitude: Listening.
22 - 28
  • Intention: For the Church and Pope Francis.
  • Attitude: Availability.


29/10 - 4/11
  • Intention: For the General Government and different Structures in the Congregation.
  • Attitude: Reconciliation.
5 -11
  • Intention: For all the Sisters, especially the older and sick Sisters.
  • Attitude: Joy.
  • Intention: For the youth and for vocations in the Church and the Congregation; especially for those who follow Christ according to the Charism of Marie Poussepin.
  • Attitude: Hospitality. 


Triduum from November 18 to 20

Our thanksgiving will be united with the prayer that we make daily to the Trinity along with Blessed Marie Poussepin. We propose to highlight each day one of the virtues, as follows:

  • November 18: Firm in faith

“Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access [by faith] to this grace in which we stand, and we boast in hope of the glory of God.” Rm 5: 1-2

  • November 19: Unwavering in hope

“provided that you persevere in the faith, firmly grounded, stable, and not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has been preached to every creature under heaven,” Col. 1: 23

  • November 20: Generous in charity

love one another with mutual affection; anticipate one another in showing honor.” Rm. 12: 10

In the joy of this time of grace lived in communion, let us continue our journey in the Exercise of Charity with Blessed Marie Poussepin.


Download Letter and proposal in PDF: 

Letter Closing Year of Grace Download