Liturgy for October 14

on 27 Sep, 2020
Hits: 2087

Rome (Italy), 09/27/2020, Commission of the Year of Grace.- In contrast to present-day life, the liturgy would no longer be woven by demand or necessity, but by the freedom of offering and giving, says St Augustine. In this sense, the liturgy "would be the visible form of hope, a foretaste of the future life, of true life, which prepares us for real life - life in freedom, in the immediacy of God and in an authentic openness to others-" (J. Ratzinger).

On the occasion of the celebration of the feast of Blessed Marie Poussepin, in this year of grace, we present in a renewed format the official liturgy of 14 October. May the communion of prayer on this feast day strengthen our Faith and Hope in the Exercise of Charity.

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