The first love...

on 12 Oct, 2020
Hits: 2398

Santiago (Chile), 10/12/2020, Sr. Licarayen Torres Muñoz.- About 10 years ago, when I was still at my parents' house dreaming of doing what I wanted, with the brave imagination of my first youth, I met a group of young missionaries who, without knowing it, would change my life. I remember that, at that time, I did not have such a direct relationship with the Church and my dreamy pursuits were going through the paths of the students who decidedly paralyzed the country to cry out for a different education, for a just education for all.

This community of missionaries showed me a hitherto unknown horizon, they introduced me to a woman who, although she lived so long ago, had something in common: the poor also deserve a chance and it is worth risking one's life for it. The missionary community Presentation of Chile and Argentina showed Marie Poussepin to me, in their actions and in their words, they brought me to the congregation and helped me to understand how significant my meeting with our foundress would be.

Thus, began my love story. Marie Poussepin gave herself entirely to the reason of living the Gospel deeply in the midst of history. With her I was able to understand what I want from me, what is worthwhile, where the real meaning of what moves or impels me in life lies. On meeting her I was able to begin to open my eyes and recognize that to the extent that I spend my life on others I can be a little happier every day. With her I was able to discover that life is much more than just having, it is much more than accumulating triumphs; it is, on the contrary, living from the profoundly human, from our weaknesses, from our inconsequences, from our most acute poverty, and with her I was able to experience that God embraces and welcomes all this humanity, my humanity.

The missionary community of the Presentation was the gateway to a new life, where Marie Poussepin took me by the hand and every day and every night, she continues to show me the way of the Gospel, the way of God.