Poetry from Africa

on 14 Nov, 2020
Hits: 2171

Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), 11/14/2020, Postulants Vice Province of Africa.- The postulants talk about Marie Poussepin.


Look at this woman, beautiful and smiling.
Look at her, how simple and welcoming she is!
How full of hope she is, my mother,
And animated by great patience!
Humble and poor-hearted, she is.
Merciful and compassionate, she is.
Founder of such an effective work,
Announcing Christ was his passion.

My mother, she is unique.
I will not stop praising her.
She is a woman of faith and a warrior of faith,
Charitable, generous and courageous,
She spent her life serving the Lord
In the poor and infirm of his time.
Passionate about God, her works bear witness to her greatness.

How dear she is to me, my mother!
I want to imitate her.
Imitate her audacity to educate and instruct;
Imitate her zeal when she serves without distinction,
Her capacity of imagination, her inventiveness,
Work to acquire the wisdom that animated him.
And, like her, my steps in her footsteps towards Christ,
I give my life to the service of the Only One Necessary, Christ.

OUEDRAOGO Sidonie (2nd year postulant).


O Marie POUSSEPIN, a woman full of tenderness and compassion,
You heard the cries of the suffering people and,
Moved with compassion for them you left your family comfort
To give them your support.

Charitable woman
You devoted yourself at all times, forgetting yourself and,
the gaze fixed on GOD alone
You only cared about others.

O Marie POUSSEPIN, woman of tireless charity,
Generous woman, your works speak of your love.

Véronique (2nd year postulant).


Memories of joy
Plenty of Joy on me.
On my first day of contact, I heard about a woman
A woman like no other and I loved her.
She always seemed charitable to me
And, supporting me in my sorrows
She makes me relive happiness.
This admirable woman
Incomparably beautiful
This woman I love, she is called Marie POUSSEPIN.

Rachel (2nd year postulant). 


Sister with an impoverished heart,
Model of infinite love,
Whose eyes see beyond the world.
Innovative woman, you train your daughters with delicacy.
With hard work you helped the most needy.
With a generous heart, you carefully assisted the sick.

Blessed Marie POUSSEPIN,
Foundress of the Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin,
God made you the mother of a big family.
Throughout the world you sent sisters animated by the zeal of CHRIST.

The postulants of first year. 


Always in meditation on the passion of CHRIST and the Holy Rosary, you have given yourself voluntarily for the proclamation of the Good News.
The desire of your heart was to instruct young girls, to visit the sick and to console the poor and abandoned.
Wonderful woman
In your life you have sought only to do GOD's will.
By a very simple and poor life you have served your brothers.
From heaven, intercede for us.

Colette (2nd year postulant).


Virtuous and admirable woman,
Friendly and welcoming woman,
Woman who made herself poor to serve the poor,
Tireless woman who does not close her ear to the cries of the poor and unfortunate,
Woman full of charity and love of neighbor, your work has no limits.

Mother full of compassion and tenderness,
Your smiling and tender eyes give the desperate the desire to live.
Mother, the Lord shaped you, an instrument to extend his reign, and you have given him your whole life.

Marina (2nd year postulant).


We must remember her beginning. An humble person who, one day, simply did what her heart told her to do.
Marie POUSSEPIN, we come to the source and want to drink, to taste its freshness. The charity of Marie POUSSEPIN radiates to the end of the earth.

Angéline (2nd year postulant).