From Manizales: Images bank and video

on 18 Nov, 2020
Hits: 2036

Cali (Colombia), 11/18/2020, Sr. Mariela Hernández Guzmán.- Sr. Martha Lucía Andrade Morales, Provincial Superior and the sisters of the Council, together with the whole Province of Manizales thank the General Government for this YEAR OF GRACE that allowed us to deepen in our foundational Charisma rescuing in our life elements that enrich our being of consecrated women and with fraternal affection presents a bank of animated images by Sandra Lorena Tovar, that want to show our mission. Also, you will find a video that wanted to collect three events of great importance for each one of us: the Year of Grace, the celebration of the 25 years of the beatification and a description of we did. 



Magnificent drawings by Sandra Lorena Tovar