"'The truth will set you free' (Jn 8, 32). False news and peace journalism"

on 23 Jan, 2018
Hits: 3969

01/23/2018, Team of MCS of the Congregation for Evangelization.- It is becoming habitual among us to celebrate January 24, the Easter of Marie Poussepin and the feast of Saint Francis de Sales, in relation to communication, writers and journalists.

"The communication between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinitarian communion reaches humanity, through the Son, who is the Word," pronounced "eternally by the Father; and in Jesus Christ and through Jesus Christ, Son and Word, made flesh, God communicates himself and communicates his salvation to men and women ... "(Communication Project for the Congregation, p. 16). As is already a tradition in the Church, this day the Pope's message will be published for the 52nd World Communications Day 2018, which will have as its theme: "The truth will set you free" (Jn 8, 32). False news and peace journalism".

Let us remember that this Day, established by the Second Vatican Council -Cfr. Inter Mirifica N. 18-, is generally celebrated on the Sunday preceding the solemnity of Pentecost, this year, on May 13, the day of Ascension. This celebration opens every time as an opportunity to review our passion for preaching in the line of truth, and contribute to a peace journalism that fosters understanding among people. This day is also an invitation to review our commitment to the Media Project for Evangelization and how it is implemented in the community and in the structure. We are all called to participate in this mission. 

On the other hand, for Marie Poussepin "The reason for being of the community is the service of charity" a charity that puts us face to face with others, in communion, in communication. To the many emphases with which we have lived charity throughout history should be added those of today: encounter, recognition, communication... A communication that should be at the service of truth and communion.

"The truth will set you free" (Jn 8, 32). False news and peace journalism.

The theme chosen by the Holy Father for the 52nd Social Communications World Day, 2018, has to do with “fake news”, that is, unfounded information which contributes to generate and to feed a strong polarization of opinions. Often it is a distortion of facts, which may result in individual and collective responses. In a context in which social media companies and the world of political and other institutions have already started to face this phenomenon, the Church also wants to offer its own share by proposing a reflection on the causes, the logic and the consequences of misinformation in the means of communication. Thus, contributing to the promotion of a professional journalism, which always searches the truth, which, therefore, may be a journalism of peace fostering understanding among persons.

- Here we can download the message of the 52nd World Communications Day -