Canonical Visit of the General Government to the Vice Province of Africa

on 27 Jan, 2018
Hits: 3574

Ouagadougou (Africa), 01/27/2018, Sr. Béatrice Kantoro.- On Saturday, December 30, 2017, Sr. Henriette, Vice – Provincial of Africa, and Sisters: Noëlie Kabore, Scholastique Bei, counselors, went to receive the General Government to the airport of Ouagadougou, at 1:00 a.m. They arrived to Dassasgho at 2:00 a.m.

At 7:00 a.m., the four communities (Bethany, Our Lady of the Presentation, Our Lady of the Nativity, Novitiate) from Dassasgho to Ouagadougou sang together the Lauds with our Sisters, Maria Escayola, Mariamma Paul, Diana Dolorita and Maria Fabiola Duque. After the prayer of thanks to God, for the arrival of our Sisters in good health, we received them in the Novitiate Community with the water of welcome. On arriving, they spoke to express, the good and positive, how they felt that morning in African land amidst their Sisters. The first day of the year 2018, we ate together in the novitiate. It was a great moment of fraternal sharing and of wishing the best to one another.

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