Book of Sr. Anne Lécu: "Ceci est mon corps"

on 28 Feb, 2018
Hits: 3928

Paris (France), 28/02/2018, Editorial team.- A new book by Sr. Anne Lécu has just been published in the Spiritual Collection of the Cerf editorial house: Ceci est mon corps (This is my body). The Mass? What happens when we attend Mass? What mysteries do we celebrate at each Eucharist? What do the simple gestures which mark our liturgies mean?

The contrast between the poverty of some of our celebrations and that which was seen at the death of Father Hamel on a Monday of July, a visible and extraordinary event, is surprising and nothing less than the salvation of the world. The Eucharist, as the confirmation of the life of believers, is the place where we are configured with Christ, and where, by the grace of those present, the whole creation is completed in Christ Incarnate, Crucified and Risen.
We don’t go to Mass for ourselves but for others. The Eucharist does not privatize the spiritual life: it only exists to cultivate our ordinary life, by inviting us to live what we have celebrated. It is for us to live a life that will express thanks, a sacrifice of thanksgiving and of expressing to those we love, “this is my body given for you".

Anne Lécu, Religious and prison medical doctor, has researched the secret, the transparency and the respect of the individual person for several years. She published in the Cerf editorial: Des Larmes (2012), Marcher vers l’innocence (2015), Tu as couvert ma honte (2016), Le secret médical (2016).

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