CEMP: Journeying with Marie Poussepin in fidelity and joy

on 10 Jun, 2018
Hits: 4207

Sainville (France), 06/10/2018, Srs. of CEMP.- On May 31st, nineteen sisters arrived to Paris from five different structures to participate in the first English session of CEMP from June 1st to July 31st 2018. Once again, the Doors of Sainville opened wide to welcome the sisters to journey with Marie Poussepin in fidelity and joy.

CEMP 2018CEMP 2018

The Province of India send ten sisters, the Vice province of USA sent five sisters, the Province of Guadalupe sent one sister, the Province of El Caribe sent one sister and the Community of Philippines sent two sisters. We are nineteen sisters from 6 nationalities, working in 6 different countries. Accompanying us are Reetha Mechery, Sr. Joanna Fernandes, Sr. Mariamma Paul and Sr. Diana Dolorita who have prepared and created an environment of welcome, joy and prayer, so that it will be an experience of grace.

Sainville is the right place to renew ourselves in the spirit of Marie Poussepin. We are blessed to walk, where she walked... to pray where she prayed... Everything speaks to us about our Mother Foundress. We ask the Lord to open our hearts to receive this wonderful gift in our lives and we trust in your prayers for us.

Sr. ReethaSr. Reetha