Medellín: Quality in health care, a way toward the exercise of charity

on 22 Jul, 2018
Hits: 2946
Medellín (Colombia), 07/22/2018, Sr. Ana Patricia Londoño Flórez.– During these last months, the Clínica El Rosario, of the Province of Medellin received some awards and recognitions, which points out that the standards set for health care are not an impediment but a resource for the exercise of Marie Poussepin’s charity at the service of the sick.
On May 28th in New York, the Clinic (hospital) received the gold standard award “Quality Summit”, among the institutions from 22 countries. On June 21st it received from the Organization of Health Care Securities, the Certificate of authorization to offer services in health care through our national and international networks and affiliates. On July 5th, the Colombian Association of Hospitals and Clinics conferred on it the Galardón Nacional Hospital Seguro (The National Hospital Insurance Award) out of the 18 institutions aspiring for it, with the highest score of 850 out of 1000 points. Lastly, on July 11th it received from the International Business Magazine which met at Sao Paulo, the award “The Winner” in the category: Calidad en servicios de salud (Quality in Health Care services}.
To work for quality in health care and to achieve these recognitions, is a great benefit for the whole Clínica El Rosario family:
• The patients and their families, who are the very reason for the existence of the Clinic. It is around them that the competencies, profiles and roles are defined, providing them with very satisfactory results; 97% of the patients express high levels of satisfaction for the care received.
• The Antioquia and Colombian Society recognize the Clinica El Rosario as part of their national patrimony. Administered by the Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation, the Clinic is a pioneer in patient-centered and quality service in institutional governance.
• The Insurance Companies can entrust to us their affiliates in the national as well as international level, because they are assured that the standards of quality, patient-centered care and leadership are accurately fulfilled.
• The employers, authorized dealers and providers of other services, through working as a team and taking advantage of the complementarity and richness of their roles, have worked tirelessly to achieve Excellency and quality care in the services offered.
• The Sisters, those who have preceded us and those present today, are trying to keep alive the message of Marie Poussepin for today by making our Congregational values the values of the institution through our focus on THE PERSON.
The Sisters, Directors, and the personnel of the Clinic first recognize that the awards create in them a great satisfaction. They are the recognition of their commitment and work full of sacrifices; but beyond that, they represent a great challenge. They prove that the Service of Charity can be actualized today through Quality in healthcare. The Clínica El Rosario family will continue to form itself to be competitive and well known in the world of health care, but above all for its motto “Love that accompanies, service that alleviates” to be the link with those who look for patient-centered and high-quality care in this institution, as desired by Marie Poussepin.

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