Manizales: we celebrated in joy and gratefulness our anniversaries

on 28 Aug, 2018
Hits: 2846

Cali (Colombia), 08/28/2018, Sr. Diana Lucía Rivera.- From August 7 to the 14 in the city of Cali, at the Meeting House Marie Poussepin, took place the Annual Retreat guided by Father Harold Cuervo, priest of the Carmelite Community. The theme of the retreat was: Centrality in Jesus Christ. The atmosphere of silence, contemplation and prayer enabled a meeting face to face with the person of Jesus Christ, chaste, poor and obedient.

On August 15, solemnity of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary into heaven, the Province of Manizales celebrated 64 years of being erected, thus, contributing to the building and expansion of the Kingdom through the service of charity, legacy of our Foundress, Mother Marie Poussepin. Within this context of gratitude and joy we celebrated God's faithfulness to the Call and the story of our sisters: Martha Lucia Andrade Morales, Jimena Victoria Squire Nuñez, Graciela Enciso Arbelaez, Maria Amparo Hincapié Galvis, Nelly Valencia Lopez and Gloria del Carmen Torres Bustamante, who celebrated their Anniversary or Jubilee. We thank God for this Church event and for the example for the new generations of consecrated that it is possible to remain and persevere in the following of Jesus Christ from the project of Marie Poussepin.

The Sisters in the 1st row of the photo celebrated their Golden Jubilee:
1. Gloria del Carmen
2. Nelly Valencia
3. Amparo Hincapie
4. Martha Lucia Andrade
5. Victoria Escudero
6. Graciela Enciso
In the second row are:
1. Padre Harold Cuervo
2. Obispo Edgar de Jesús García Gil
3. Padre Johan Alexis Acosta