Guadalupe: Perpetual Vows in El Salvador

on 10 Nov, 2018
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San Salvador (El Salvador), 11/10/2018, Sr. Evelyn Guadalupe Córdova Grande.- On Saturday October 20th, in the Parroquia Nuestra Señora de los Dolores in San Salvador, El Salvador, it took place the celebration of Perpetual Vows of our Salvadoran sister Yesenia Ester Calderón Hernández. The communities of Santa María Ixhuatán, Guatemala and Colonia Dolores, San Salvador accompanied our sister and also we had the presence of the Provincial Superior, Janet Ceja Sáenz.

The celebration of the Eucharist was presided by Fray Carlos Antonio Cáceres Pereira, Prior Provincial of the Province of San Vicente Ferrer, Central America, who gave enthusiasm and solemnity to the ceremony. During the homily, he invited us to live in an attitude of service, to continue giving testimony of the experience of our vows of Obedience, Poverty and Chastity in a world tempted by power, wealthy and pleasure. He told us that we should continue to have the way of looking from Marie Poussepin who knew how to respond with charity to the reality of her time; the spirituality of Saint Oscar Arnulfo Romero, who in his spiritual exercises, asked to the Holy Spirit, to be able to carry out his entrusted mission; the profound prayer of Saint Dominic de Guzman, who just not prayed but submerged into deep prayer which put him in contact with God and with his brothers. Our Prior Provincial especially invited our sister Yesenia to continue this path in Consecrated Life, being aware of the joy, as well as the pain and the glory that imply following the Lord's whatever be our true call, but with the certainty that He will always hold her in his faithfulness.

We thank the Lord for making us witnesses of this “I do” in the Perpetual Vows of our sister Yesenia Ester, and for showing us the affection of the people around us as well, the commitment of the Lay Dominicans that accompany our sisters of the Community of Colonia Dolores in San Salvador, who looked after all the previous details, during and after the celebration.

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