Five years of the Blog of the Province of France

on 23 Nov, 2018
Hits: 3208

Paris (France), 11/123/2018, Sr. Anne Lécu.- Since five years ago, the Province of France has had a blog which assures the visibility of our Province in the social networks. This blog is linked to a Face Book page and to a Twitter account.

Face Book Page:

Twitter Account: @precheaufeminin


Every Sunday, a sister takes turns to assure writing a commentary on the liturgical texts. When we find a information which seems to be important we post it on line. Such is the case with the large construction work of the House Saint Charles in Paris, which was passed along by the papers, or in the case of the publication of one book or another, or in the case of a retreat offered in one of our houses. Let us not hesitate to pass on the content of this blog in our in our own social networks. Some of us have Face Book pages or Twitter accounts, or are present in other social networks..

The sisters of the Congregation who wish it may subscribe by clicking the link below on the right of the pages of the blog.