New government of Africa Vice Province

on 07 Jan, 2019
Hits: 3131

Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), 01/07/2019.- With joy, the members of the Vice Provincial Assembly gathered at the Vice Provincial House in Ouagadougou, want to share with you that that our newly appointed Vice Provincial Team are.

 From left to right: Srs. Chantal, Scholastique, Evelyne, Odette, ClémentineFrom left to right: Srs. Chantal, Scholastique, Evelyne, Odette, Clémentine
From left to right: Srs. Odette, Scholastique, Evelyne, Clémentine, ChantalFrom left to right: Srs. Odette, Scholastique, Evelyne, Clémentine, Chantal
The constitution of the new government is:
  • Vice Provincial Superior: Sr. Evelyne OUEDRAOGO.
  • Councilors: Srs. Clémentine KABORE, Scholastique BEI, Odette OUATTARA, Chantal DOAMBA.

We thank you for your prayers as we continue our work for the preparation of the 55th General Chapter in our Assembly.