Los Andes: Beginning of the Provincial Chapter

on 15 Jan, 2019
Hits: 2812

Lima (Perú), 01/14/2018, Chapter Members.- January has been a time of special presence of the Spirit in the province of Los Andes.

Having lived our annual retreat guided by Sr. Ana Francisca Vergara, of the province of Bogotá, we had two days of pre-Chapter Assembly in which we also had the contribution of Sr. Ana Francisca and of two bishops from areas in which we are present: Msgr. Emiliano Cisneros Martínez, Bishop of Chacchapoyas, Diocese where the community of Camporredondo is located, Msgr. Norbert Strotmann, Bishop of Chosica, where is located the “House Mère Saint Pierre”, and where we have come together. Sr. Ofelia Quispe Huallpara opened the V Provincial Chapter: "Dear Sisters: we give each other the best of WELCOMES as we start this first session of our V Provincial Chapter, having experienced a sense of belonging and a great spirit at the pre-Chapter Assembly, immediate preparation to this important event for the Province and for the Congregation, bearing in mind that a Chapter is the Supreme authority of the Province, and as such, the higher court seeking the common good...".

We are in communion and count on everyone’s prayer.