Lima (Perú), 01/20/2019.- The Provincial Chapter of Los Andes gathered at House Mère Saint Pierre, Lima, from 13 to 20 January 2019, has elected their Provincial Superior and Provincial councilors for the next five years.

- Sr. Ofelia Quispe Huallpara, Provincial Superior
- Sr. Rubelia Alzate Gómez, councilor
- Sr. Bertha Inés Naranjo Torres, councilor
- Sr. Patricia Gabriela Avendaño Álvarez, councilor
- Sr. Rocío del Pilar Cuéllar Dávalos, councilor
We thank them for their availability and wish them all the best as they will continue the good work in view of the common good and the mission at the service of charity.
Chapter Los Andes