Progress in the process of Canonization of the Mother Maria Berenice Duque Hencker

on 29 Jan, 2019
Hits: 17874

Roma (Italy), 01/29/2019, Sr. Alix Mercedes Duarte Roa.- The Servant of God Mother Maria Berenice Duque Hencker, Colombian, Dominican Sisters of the Presentation for 33 years, cultivated in her life the Eucharistic and Marian spirituality and served the Church without distinction of classes or social conditions.

She founded the Little Sisters of the Annunciation on August 15, in 1943. In 1957 the Missionaries of the Annunciation and on December 8, 1961 the Missionaries of the Annunciation. She died on July 25, 1993, in Medellin, with a reputation of holiness. In the Archdiocese of Medellin, with the support of the Colombian Church, the diocesan process for its canonization began in 1998 and was closed by Bishop Alberto Giraldo on October 23, 2003. The Roman process began in 2004, and on January 15 2019, the Cardinals have studied the virtues, for the "Venerability", we wait for the Decree that confirms it, signed by the Holy Father Francisco. Thank you for supporting the Cause of the Servant of God, with prayer! 

Sr. María Berenice, OPSr. María Berenice, OP Mother María Berenice DuqueMother María Berenice Duque

Mother Maria Berenice was passionate about love in the living of the Will of God and taught:

“Our life must be a “yes” lived one. A “yes” that vibrates of love".