Blessing of the new convent in Philippines

on 22 Feb, 2019
Hits: 4546

Philippines, 02/22/2018, The sisters in Philippines Mission.- It was around 2.30pm, Philippines time that we welcomed the Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan, Bishop Socrates B Villegas for the celebration. Our event of the day took place in three steps: - The inauguration of the community by the ribbon cutting, - The blessing of the convent, - The celebration of the Holy Eucharist.

“How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord!" Ps 83

At 3 pm, we began with the opening ceremony. After an introductory prayer, the Archbishop Socrates and Sister Maria Escayola cut the Ribbon thus inaugurating the community. We began the next step which is the blessing of the convent. Through songs, recitation of the Rosary aligned in procession of candles; we went around the house with Bishop who blessed each and every nook and corner.

After the blessing of the convent, we began the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. There were almost ten concelebrants, many religious (our sisters from Korea, the Superior general from the Dominican sisters of Catherine of Siena/ Vietnam and the Former superior General of Saint Catherine of Siena/Manila and lay people from Manila, Pangasinan, Korea accompanied us in this thanksgiving. The choir of our parish has helped us with the songs during the Mass. The blessing of the Altar took place after the homily. During the homily the Archbishop expressed his gratitude for our presence in his diocese. It is our love for this diocese, and for the people of this diocese that has led us to establish our home among them. He emphasized the importance of our presence highlighted that the apostolate of being is more than enough. People seeing us are reminded of their personal and common vocation which is Holiness. Bishop added that in this House, we are safe not because of the height and the length of our walls but because the One who has brought us together here, Jesus Christ. He is truly present and acting in our midst. ‘He’ is our security guard, our Watch man. He invited us to open ourselves and be invaded by the presence of Christ. At times, difficulties may occur to us (confusion, luck of understanding, frustration or rejection in our mission, but we have to remember that Christ is Perpetually present in our midst and He is always ready to welcome us in His dwelling place here in this chapel to comfort, to enlighten and to replenish us. After the homily and intercessory prayers, Bishop blessed the altar. Sisters processed with linen, altar cloth, and candles, as the lighted candles were placed at the altar, all the lights were turned on, symbolizing the light of Christ. Then followed the bouquet of flowers, bread and wine.

After the communion, the Archbishop blessed the Tabernacle and placed the Blessed Sacrament, closed and handed over the key of the tabernacle to the superior of the community. By thus gesture Bishop entrusted the safety of the Blessed Sacrament to the community through the superior. We ended our celebration with a fraternal agape. The people from the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan, Metro-Manila, Korea and Vietnam have witnessed their great affection and support to us by their presence and their various contributions in kind and cash.

It had been some few years of search and dreams to find a home in Pangasinan in the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan. This search and dreams have come a reality today because all of you. We are grateful to the entire Congregation and to each one of you for your care, concern, sacrifices, sharing and prayers. Thank you, so much dear sisters, all your support. May the intercession of our Mother Foundress Blessed Marie Poussepin help us to deepen and continue spreading her charism in our respective mission fields. With gratitude and affection!.

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