Catechista minicourse: San Pedro parish church (Amazonas)

on 14 Apr, 2019
Hits: 3344

Camporredondo (Perú), Sr. María del Carmen Bedoya, 04/13/2019.- In the Diocese of Chachapoyas, every year the course of catechists is held, it is an intense time of formation for the pastoral agents of the Parish. The catechists of the different communities come together to share the queries, concerns and initiatives that are emerging in the pastoral work, but above all, they share their experience of faith, that makes each workshop unique and enriching.

Con Hna. María del Carmen BedoyaCon Hna. María del Carmen BedoyaFor a year now the parishes churches of: San Simón de Ocalli, San Pedro de Camporredondo (where we are) and San Francisco de Asís de Lonya Grande, belonging to zone 6 of the Diocese, join together to carry out the course of catechists, prior preparation throughout the year.

From February 25 to March 1, 2019

On the 25th we left for Ocalli, where the annual course of catechists would take place. Neither the difficulties of the road, because it was a rainy season, diminished the joy and enthusiasm that we had inside. Upon arrival a warm welcome from the hosts made us feel at home, little by little we gathered for this long-awaited moment, because each meeting is an opportunity to get to know each other, share and strengthen each other's faith.

On Tuesday the 26th, the sisters prayed the morning prayer, taking the text of Isaiah 50, 4-5: "The Lord has instructed me to comfort the weary with words of encouragement. Every morning makes me be attentive to that he listen docilely. The Lord gives me intelligence to listen to him, I did not resist, or back away ... "Recognizing from him the mission of every catechist.

During these days, the themes were shared among us sisters, priests and seminarians. The initial theme was an analysis of the pastoral reality of each community and their strengths and weaknesses as pastoral agents, this work was intense, very reflective and enlightening for the development of the following themes. The course was developed in a family atmosphere where simplicity, humility and joy stood out. At the end of the meeting the catechists expressed feeling strengthened and encouraged to continue evangelization in their communities. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to enrich my faith with this beautiful experience.


With Sr. Nora ZuletaWith Sr. Nora Zuleta

With Sr. Rocío CuéllarWith Sr. Rocío Cuéllar