Marie Poussepin’s Foster Home, Bangalore

on 14 Jun, 2019
Hits: 3801

Bangalore (India), 06/13/2019, Sisters of India.- Making alive the Charism of blessed Marie Poussepin and responding to the needs of the time and the appeal of Archbishop of Bangalore Rt. Rev. Peter Macahdo to the congregations in Bangalore, we have started a foster home for 16 girl children from the street in collaboration with Dream India Network in the old crèche building from June 10, 2019.

Inter Congregational Efforts for development (ICED) called Dream India Network is a platform cratered to support congregations in their efforts to development in whatever way possible.

What are foster homes?
Fostering is an arrangement whereby a child lives, usually on a temporary basis, with an extended or unrelated family member. Such an arrangement ensures that the birth parents do not lose any of their parental rights or responsibilities. This arrangement shall cater to children who are not legally free for adoption, and whose parents are unable to care for them due to illness, death, desertion by one parent or any other crisis. The aim is to eventually re-unite the child with her own family when the family circumstances improve, and thus prevent institutionalization of children in difficult circumstances especially children.
The objective of the project is to provide better care and protection support to child who is placed in the home for a short or extended period of time, depending upon the circumstances. The project will provide adequate care and protection to children, to orphan, abused and children in need of care and protection. Our Objective is to provide:

• Immediate Shelter, Care and Protection especially to girl children.
• Homely environments as these children do not have proper experiential understanding of home.
• Psycho social and emotional support to make them grow as integrated and balanced children as they have gone through tremendous negligence and social stigma.
• Quality education to children.
• Healthcare, emotional security, and make their childhood and school years pleasant and memorable.
• Opportunity to lean life skills and training to the children that helps them to face life with confidence.
• Opportunity for extracurricular activities to help them grow as future leaders by infusing confidence and courage.
• Legal assistance against exploitation.
• Economic independence and self reliance.

Restore the human dignity of the poor and marginalized girl children and assist them to make use of their potentialities to live a dignified life.

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