Launching of the 6th Missionary American Congress (CAM 6) in Puerto Rico

on 05 Nov, 2019
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Ponce (Puerto Rico), 11/05/19, Srs. of Puerto Rico.- To conclude the missionary year and launching of the 6th National American Missionary Congress (CAM 6) to be held in Puerto Rico in 2023, the Bishops of the Church of Puerto Rico convened the entire Christian community on October 19, 2019 to a prayer meeting in the Sports and Cultural Complex of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ponce.

Hermanas y laicos con Mons. Eusebio Ramos, obispo de CaguasHermanas y laicos con Mons. Eusebio Ramos, obispo de Caguas

There was a massive participation of the delegations from different dioceses. The joy, the music, the missionary ardor and the representation of the different countries of the American continent to attend this missionary gathering, were notable characteristics. The unanimous slogan: "We are baptized and therefore we are sent", filled the environment and influenced all participants with the desire to proclaim their faith. This assembly, which climaxed in the Eucharistic celebration, was presided and accompanied by Mons. Rubén Antonio González M (Bishop of Ponce, host venue of the event), Mons. Ghlaeb Bader (Apostolic Delegate in Puerto Rico), Mons. Roberto Octavio González N (Archbishop of San Juan Metropolitan) and the Bishops of the remaining 4 Dioceses that make up the Puerto Rican Church.

Some of our sisters, missionaries in the Dioceses of Caguas, San Juan and Arecibo, accompanied by Sr. Ana Patricia Londoño (General Councilor on a visit of accompaniment) and committed lay people, were present at this ecclesial event. The celebration of the International Launching to begin the journey of all the countries of America towards Puerto Rico 2023 will be in Mexico, in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, in February 2020.

We ask the Lord that this time of preparation and the subsequent celebration of CAM 6 be an opportunity for the Christians of America to grow in Christian maturity and share the baptismal joy through their mission.


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