Colombia: State recognition to our Charity service in the field of health

on 10 Jan, 2020
Hits: 3016

Medellín (Colombia), 01/10/2020, Office of Clinical Communication "El Rosario".- On December 31, the Governor of Antioquia (Colombia), Dr. Luis Pérez Gutiérrez, decorated with El Escudo de Antioquia, Gold Category; to H. Olga Lucia Zuluaga Serna, “for the dedication of his life in favor of health and humanized and quality care to patients”.

During the award ceremony, the Governor highlighted that H. Olga Lucia, a member of the Dominican Sisters of Charity Community of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin of Tours, has displayed a commendable work in the health sector, exercising an inclusive leadership, a strategic vision and tireless leadership, in search of continuous improvement. The decree granting this recognition also considers that Sister Olga Lucía is a professional whose human and academic qualities have allowed her to consolidate one of the most prestigious and quality health institutions in Medellín, such as the Rosario Clinic. For her part, Br. Olga Lucia expressed her surprise and joy for this distinction and recalled that the greatest prize that a human being can receive is that God allows her to serve others.

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