Covid-19: Some news from the Congregation

on 25 Mar, 2020
Hits: 2422

03/25/2020, Of various structures.- The reality that we are living in the whole world today, makes us feel the need to communicate and to keep ourselves informed in order to join one another in prayer for the suffering that the world and the Church are going through.

Covid-19 situation as of March 25Covid-19 situation as of March 25

In France

March 23: The virus is present in our national territory and especially, there are several outbreaks of the infection. Currently we are in phase 3 of the action plan of the Government to prevent and limit the circulation of the virus. Since January 24, 2020, France has had 16,018 confirmed cases of COVID-19. 674 people have died since the beginning of the epidemic. 

In England

March 21: The British government has finally decided to close schools and restaurants on Friday. Shops and museums are following the same guidelines, while the city is preparing for the non-compulsory confinement advocated by Boris Johnson.

In Israel

March 19: On Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced a tightening of the measures in the country in response to the outbreak of the coronavirus, instructing the police to impose house arrest. The Israeli Ministry of Health reported 573 confirmed cases of coronavirus infection. Forty-seven cases were reported among Palestinian residents of the West Bank. For the moment there are no cases or suspicion of the virus among the sisters; nor are there any among the collaborators and employees of the communities and mission. The instructions of the government are respected: confinement, both inside and outside: no visits from outside persons, therefore, no Mass, strict hygiene measures, etc.

From Spain

March 23: We would like to thank all of you for the expressions of affection and interest that we receive given the world situation generated by the Covid-19 and which is seriously affecting Spain. The situation is one of confinement, although essential services are functioning. Moreover, if anyone needs to go out, a signed declaration of an official document is needed. The aim of this control is to stop the chain infection of the virus, since more contagion is caused through socialization.

In Spain, the state of alarm was declared on March 13 for two weeks and from March 23 this state of alarm is extended for two more weeks due to the increase in infections. The sisters, for the time being, are doing well, but we have all had to leave our places of work, mission and job just like most of our citizens, however, they are offering the classes in colleges and universities virtually. A new way that will surely change many parameters for the future. 

Prayer has been increased, celebration of the Word, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament... they replace the daily mass that can only be followed online or by radio and television. It is striking to see the number of priests, men and women religious who are broadcasting Eucharist and prayers of various kinds on the internet which can be followed live or recorded.

We reecho our gratitude to all the sisters and people we know who send us their love. We join in the prayer of all our structures because all of us are suffering from this invasion of the virus. Let us place our concerns and our reality in God's hands. May He give us the serenity and peace that we need in these difficult times. And for this, we unite ourselves with the prayer of Pope Francis.

From United States

March 23: Dear Sisters we are sending you this short note to let you know how we are doing in the USA Vice Province in regard to the Covid-19 virus. Wherever we are, we are taking the necessary precautions. All our Sisters including those in Texas, Washington, D.C., are well and none of them has contracted the virus. In Dighton, we have one Sister in quarantine as a precaution due to respiratory health issues. In Honduras, the Sisters are well and following the instructions to remain at home. 

Schools and Universities are closed, and many stores are also closed. Churches are closed so that there are no Sunday or daily Masses. At the Vice Provincial House, we have been fortunate to have a priest come for Mass every day. All public gatherings have been cancelled. At Rosary House in Washington, D.C., the students are going home if possible since classes have been cancelled and those that are not able to return home are staying at our home. On the whole, we are doing well. People are following the recommended precautions. 

From India

March 23: It is very sad to hear the news of the spread of COVID 19 all over the world. Our country India too is affected and every day there are new cases, but our sisters in all the communities are safe. Everything is closed down and we are living as if in a cloister and there is no Eucharist. All the Education institutions are closed down in the country. Our sisters who are nurses are offering services in different Institutions and the two dispensaries  in Dhulkot and Dalmadi have to be open to serve the patients in need.

The sisters need to go out but they are following the safety measures as diligently as possible and as well all others who are in the house follow the guidelines of the government. All are in the house and so we take more time for prayer especially reciting the Rosary and participating in the Holy Eucharist online. You can be sure that all the sisters of the Province will take the necessary precaution for our own safety and that of others especially whom we serve directly. Prayers & Regards.

From Italy

March 23: The sisters in Rome are doing well, following the security measures publicized by the government and the General Vicariate of the diocese of Rome. We are grateful for your constant concern for us and for the whole Congregation.

Let us live this time of fragility with hope and confidence, in union with the Congregations and Dioceses that have lost some of their members and with all the people who, throughout the world, are suffering the consequences of this pandemic, especially the poorest.