Lectio Divina: Easter Sunday. Cycle A

on 11 Apr, 2020
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Medellín (Colombia), Sr. Rosemary Castañeda Montoya, April 12, 2020.- “We are intent on listening to the Word, keeping and pondering it in our heart, deepening it in the Scriptures, and sharing it in our community and apostolic life.” (C 13).

Lectio Divina 04/12/2020 eng Download


“Let us be radiant with joy on this feast of the Resurrection. Brethren, let us embrace mutually. Let us call as our brethren everyone including those who hate us. Let us forgive everyone because of the Resurrection and thus sing our joy: Christ has risen from the dead, by his death he has conquered death and to those who were in the tomb, he brought them life.” (Del tropario).


Jn 20: 1-9. Seekers of the signs of the Risen Lord.
“It was very early on the first day of the week and still dark, when Mary of Magdala came to the tomb. She saw that the stone had been moved away from the tomb.
And came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved.
‘They have taken the Lord out of the tomb,’ she said, ‘and we don’t know where they have put him.’
So, Peter set out with the other disciple to go to the tomb. They ran together, but the other disciple, running faster than Peter, reached the tomb first; he bent down and saw the linen clothes lying on the ground, but did not go in.
Simon Peter, following him, also came up, went into the tomb, saw the linen clothes lying on the ground and also the cloth that had been over his head; this was not with the linen clothes but rolled up in a place by itself.
Then the other disciple who had reached the tomb first also went in; he saw and he believed. Till this moment they had still not understood the Scripture, that he must rise from the dead.”


“The same Spirit who touched the soul of the prophet, touch my heart and invite me to row out into the sea of the Sacred Scripture.” Amen.





The pascal experience releases a dynamic life made of searches and encounters, and conversion and faith. The narrative according to St. John (20: 1-9) has Mary Magdalen, Peter and the other disciple as main characters who go and come, run, see and believe in Jesus the Risen Lord.


• Mary Magdalen got up early: “It was very early and still dark, when she came to the tomb.” (20:1). Love cannot wait. This action is a clear sign that her heart was beating loudly for Jesus. At dawn there are many details that announce a big radical change; the night goes away; the horizon is cleared and under the light, all things are seen in their own form little by little. The same will happen with our faith in the Risen Lord: there will be signs that announce something great, but it is only through the personal and community encounter with the Risen Lord that everything will become clear.
• Mary “runs” immediately and is going to inform the disciples who have more authority, that, the tomb of the Master was empty (20:2a). This race indicates the love of Mary for the Lord. She will continue to demonstrate it through her sobbing at the empty tomb. (20:11ss).
• Mary acknowledges Jesus as “Lord”: ‘They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him.’(20: 2b) Even if she has not found him alive, for her, Jesus is the “Lord” (Kyrios), the God of glory and so, immortal (she will continue to say it: 20:13). Through her faith and love in the heart, this woman, who faced the death of Jesus on the cross and also saw his empty tomb, reveals that her love for the Lord is “stronger than death”. (Song. Of song 8:6)
• The disciples run to the tomb (20:3-10) Two followers very close to Jesus are impressed by the news and immediately put themselves into action; they are neither indifferent nor inactive; they take seriously the announcement (which has a communitarian subject “we do not know”. v.2)
• “They set out to the tomb.” (20:3) The two disciples are not ordinary ones, both of them have enjoyed great prestige in the community and have represented it. In the first place, Peter whom Jesus called “Kefas” (Rock; 1:42) is distinguished and the Beloved Disciple is the model for the “beloved” of the Lord, but also the one who “loves” the Lord. (13:23; 19:26; 21:7.20).
• “The other disciple reached the tomb first” (20:4) The Beloved Disciple ran faster than Peter. (v.4) This seems to refer to his youthhood, but also to a greater love. Isn’t it true that to run belongs to the one who loves?
• “He bent down and saw the linen clothes lying on the ground, but did not go in.” (20:5) To enter into the mystery, one has to “bend down”, go down. Only the one who goes down, can understand the glorification of Jesus and can follow him on his way.
• “Simon Peter went into the tomb, saw the linen clothes lying on the ground and also the cloth that had been over his head; this was not with the linen clothes but rolled up in a place by itself.” (20:6-7) Jesus has freed himself from the linen and the cloth with which he was wrapped, in contrast to Lazarus who had to be unwrapped by others. (see 11:44) The empty tomb and linen clothes are not a proof; they are simply a sign that Jesus has conquered death. However, Peter does not understand the sign.
• “Then the other disciple also went in … he saw and he believed.” (20:8) “…that according to the Scripture, Jesus must rise from the dead.” (20:9) The verification of simple details awakens the faith of the Beloved Disciple in the resurrection of Jesus; the order that reigned in the tomb was enough for him. But it is clear that the ignorance of the disciples about the Scriptures implies a certain dosage of unbelief. (see also1:26; 7:28; 8:14).


To open my heart and make room within me for the Word of God:

• Go back and read slowly the whole passage.
• Also, it is I who am in the garden: the empty tomb is in front of my eyes.
• I have to let the Word of Mary Magdalen resonate within me.
• I also run with her, Peter and the other disciple.
• I let myself be immersed in the joyful news of the risen Jesus.
• Like Magdalen, am I available to go out, communicate and invite others to seek the signs of the Risen Lord, so that He may bring life and fullness to our lives?
• Do I dream of a community that opens processes and does not take refuge in looking for securities?
• Do I see expressed in the text of Jn 20:1-9
- “Mercy” as a way for the community of Marie Poussepin?
- Pastoral and missionary conversion as a new way to live the Gospel?
- Dialogue without boundaries as a challenge favored by the 55th General Chapter?


“What did you see Mary on your journey in the morning?” “My glorious Lord, the abandoned tomb, the angel witnesses, shrouds and burial garments. He is truly risen, my love and my hope!”


“To announce Jesus Christ is our mission” (C.82) in this year of thanksgiving for Marie Poussepin.

From our experience of the resurrection, springs up the desire to share the news with others and it leads us to: see, run, go, call, communicate and motivate others far beyond the borders…