Romania: An experience of inter-congregational mission

on 01 May, 2020
Hits: 1966

Butea (Romania), 05/01/20, Sr. Victoria Bălteanu.- The Congregation was present in Romania with the sisters of the Province of France for some years; there I came to know our sisters and entered the Congregation. At the moment I belong to the permanent community of Valdieri (Rome) and I am living an experience of inter-congregational mission, in Butea and in Scheia - Romania since November 2019, collaborating with the Congregation of the Missionaries of the Passion of Jesus.

Through this media, I would like to share with you a little bit of my pastoral action. First of all, my mission is prayer, both with the Missionary Sisters of the Passion of Jesus, through Radio Maria and with the children of the Rachiteni School.

Then, I participate in an inter congregational mission in "St. Pope John Paul II’s House for the Elderly and the Sick", of the Missionary Sisters of the Passion of Jesus. Two Franciscan friars (Conventuals) from the Roman seminary collaborate with them: Bro Iosif Ionuţ Antonică and Bro César Dămătăr, who are in charge of catechesis and visits to the elderly and I, a Dominican Sister of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin. I participate in catechesis and attend to their psychological needs. A diocesan priest, Fr. Gacriel Sascau, is the chaplain of the house. Each charism finds its place in this inter-congregational mission that is carried out through: charity, prayer and preaching.

It is an institution with open doors to welcome the elderly. The people of this place are very friendly and the first person to welcome me there was Sister Elisabetta Barolo, with her maternal smile, along with her community.

We all work in view of the care of the people who come to the house and in the fulfilment of the mission of evangelization proposed by the pastoral plan. Our mission is to respond to the construction of a society where love, justice and solidarity is the norm. As consecrated persons, we want to promote catechesis and living of the Gospel values through Preaching. The mission is addressed to the elderly of the house, their families, neighbors, friends and city dwellers.

Since October 2019, I am working at the Rachiteni School with the 6th grade students, following the pedagogy of Marie Poussepin.

In these times of confinement, I am working from home on the blog: or Whatsapp group: "Peieteni Marie Poussepin". The experience with the students is very pleasing; when I introduced the life of our foundress, they were very impressed and I gave them the prayer of Marie Poussepin. After a few months two students told me that they are praying to Marie Poussepin every day and that they feel her presence. In February I asked them to write a letter to Marie Poussepin and I was deeply impressed, they all pray and ask for the help of our foundress.

This is my experience, When I pray, I feel the presence of Marie Poussepin in Romania.