Congratulations Sr. Maria!

on 17 May, 2020
Hits: 5734

Madrid (Spain), 05/17/2020, Sr. María Dolores García Maquivar.- Precisely fifty years ago, May 17, 1970 was the Feast of the Pentecost. When we look back at this celebration today, it was a very right beginning for someone who now lives not just for herself but for the whole Congregation, encouraging us to go beyond borders. I take the freedom to repeat in her own words: "We must rekindle the strength of the Spirit with the awareness that the Lord continues to call us, to transcend borders and to incarnate today the Lord's mercy and tenderness".

Photos: Sr. Gemma MoratóPhotos: Sr. Gemma Morató

That faraway May 17, the feast of Pentecost, was the day of first Profession of Sr. Maria Escayola Coris. Her life journey Since then has been known to the Lord and herself. Those of us who have been at her side during some significant moments, both joyful and painful, have been able to recognize her way of living them, remembering that "by their fruits you will know them". We have seen continue to live her simplicity, constant and silent work, serenity and attention to persons, focused on details and with a broad vision of the whole. From the day of her profession until today, we have perceived in her one more sister who has assumed all her different responsibilities and missions with a common note in all of them: to accept and fulfill them as service. 

We pray that the Holy Spirit continue to give her the strength, joy, confidence, peace, wisdom and fidelity… today and the all the days of her life as the best anniversary gift for her and for all.